AWS Database Blog

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Build interactive graph data analytics and visualizations using Amazon Neptune, Amazon Athena Federated Query, and Amazon QuickSight

Customers have asked for a way to interact with graph datasets in Amazon Neptune using business intelligence (BI) tools such as Amazon QuickSight. Although some BI tools offer generic HTTP connectors that allow you to define a set of REST API calls to extract data from REST endpoints, you have to predefine either Gremlin or […]

Monitor deadlocks in SQL Server on Amazon EC2 and set notifications using Amazon CloudWatch

July 2023: This post was reviewed for accuracy. Many of our customers running SQL Server on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances want to capture specific events (systems and user-defined) for monitoring and troubleshooting issues with SQL Server. SQL Server logs these events in its error logs and agent logs. A deadlock is an […]

Readable standby instances in Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments: A new high availability option

Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments are ideal for production database workloads. When you have Multi-AZ deployment, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) provisions one primary and one standby DB instance with synchronous physical replication of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) storage for high availability and failover without data loss. However, you can’t read from the […]

Amazon ElastiCache introduces support for Redis 6.2

In October 2020, we announced Redis 6 compatibility for Amazon ElastiCache for Redis. This update included significant features like role-based access control (RBAC), client-side caching, and several operational improvements designed to improve application availability and reliability. Specifically, Amazon ElastiCache improved replication under low memory conditions, especially for workloads with medium and large-sized keys, by reducing […]

Scale your Amazon ElastiCache for Redis clusters at a lower cost with data tiering

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis provides a convenient way to manage Redis at scale. You can use it for a variety of workloads, ranging from caching, session stores, real-time analytics, gaming leaderboards, and messaging. We’re always looking for ways to increase price/performance for our customers. Some examples include releasing enhanced I/O handling, which increased the throughput […]

Get started with a free trial of Amazon MemoryDB for Redis

On August 19, 2021, we announced Amazon MemoryDB for Redis, a new Redis-compatible, durable, in-memory database. Since then, we have expanded support to 16 AWS Regions and added support for AWS CloudFormation. With MemoryDB, all your data is stored in memory, enabling you to achieve microsecond read and single-digit millisecond write latency and high throughput. […]


Set up a cross-region disaster recovery site for Amazon RDS for SQL Server

A common use case for Enterprise workloads is to have a reliable and effective disaster recovery (DR) strategy that keeps your database applications in operation with little or no disruption even if an entire Region is unavailable. Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for SQL Server is a fully managed database that makes it easy […]

Build faster with Amazon DynamoDB and PartiQL: SQL-compatible operations

In November 2020, we launched DynamoDB support for PartiQL. With PartiQL, you can codify your DynamoDB data operations using familiar SQL syntax and get the fast, consistent performance that DynamoDB customers have long depended on. In this post, we explain how DynamoDB’s PartiQL support helps new DynamoDB developers learn faster and provides existing DynamoDB developers […]

Amazon Aurora MySQL 3 with MySQL 8.0 compatibility is now generally available

  Amazon Aurora is a MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud. Aurora combines the performance and availability of traditional enterprise databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open-source databases. Amazon Aurora MySQL is compatible with MySQL 5.6 and MySQL 5.7, and is now also compatible with MySQL 8.0. Today, we made Aurora MySQL […]

Benchmark Amazon RDS SQL Server performance using HammerDB

For many organizations, performance is a key priority for databases that need to handle a high load. Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a managed service with a cost-efficient, reliable, and highly scalable database offering which makes it a suitable use case for such requirements. In this post, I walk you through benchmarking Amazon […]