AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: Application Integration

Virus scan S3 buckets with a serverless ClamAV based CDK construct

Edit: March 10th 2022 – Updated post to use AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) v2. Protecting systems from malware is an essential part of a systems protection strategy. It is important to both scan binaries and other files before introducing them into your system boundary and appropriately respond to potential threats in accordance to your […]

Generate an Amazon S3 presigned URL with SSE using the AWS SDK for C++

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) presigned URLs give you or your customers an option to access an Amazon S3 object identified in the URL, without having AWS credentials and permissions. With server-side encryption (SSE) specified, Amazon S3 will encrypt the data when the object is written to disks, and decrypt the data when the […]