AWS Developer Tools Blog

Providing credentials to the AWS SDK for PHP

In order to authenticate requests, the AWS SDK for PHP requires credentials in the form of an AWS access key ID and secret access key. In this post, we’ll discuss how to configure credentials in the AWS SDK for SDK. Configuring credentials There are several methods that can be used for configuring credentials in the […]

AWS SDK for Ruby Core Developer Preview

A few months ago, Loren blogged about the upcoming version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Shortly after that, we published our work-in-progress code to GitHub as aws/aws-sdk-core-ruby. I am happy to announce that AWS SDK Core has stabilized enough to enter a developer preview period. It currently supports 30+ services. To install AWS […]

New Twitter Account for the AWS SDK for PHP

Last week, we opened up a new Twitter account to run in parallel with this blog. You can find us there at @awsforphp. We will tweet about new posts on the blog, tips and tricks for using the SDK, new releases, and upcoming conferences and events that we’ll be attending. Be sure to follow us […]

AWS SDK for Ruby and Nokogiri

In two weeks, on November 19, 2013, we will be removing the upper bound from the nokogiri gem dependency in version 1 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. We’ve been discussing this change with users for a while on GitHub. Why Is There Currently an Upper Bound? Nokogiri removed support for Ruby 1.8 with the […]

Working with Amazon S3 Object Versions and the AWS SDK for .NET

Amazon S3 allows you to enable versioning for a bucket. You can enable or disable versioning with the SDK by calling the PutBucketVersioning method. Note, all code samples were written for our new version 2 of the SDK. Users of version 1 of the SDK will notice some slight name changes. s3Client.PutBucketVersioning(new PutBucketVersioningRequest { BucketName […]

Release: AWS SDK for PHP – Version 2.4.8

We would like to announce the release of version 2.4.8 of the AWS SDK for PHP. This release updates the AWS Direct Connect client and updates the Amazon Elastic MapReduce client to add support for new EMR APIs, termination of specific cluster instances, and unlimited EMR steps. Changelog Updated the AWS Direct Connect client Updated […]

Sending requests through a proxy

Some network configurations require that outbound connections be sent through a proxy server. Requiring a proxy for outbound HTTP requests is a common practice in many companies, and is often something that must be configured in a client. You can send requests with the AWS SDK for PHP through a proxy using the “request options” […]

AWS SDK Core Response Structures

I blogged recently about how the code is now available for AWS SDK Core. This new repository is the basis for what will become version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. We have not cut a public gem for AWS SDK Core yet. Instead, we have published the work-in-progress code to GitHub for the […]

Access Key Management for .NET Applications – Part 1

In this post, we talk about the three methods for providing AWS access keys to your .NET applications and look at a few best practices. We look at the following questions while discussing the different options for managing access keys. Security: How do you securely store credentials and supply them to your application? Ease of […]