AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: Eclipse

AWS Toolkit for Eclipse: Improved Support for Serverless Applications (Part 3 of 3)

In the first part of the blog series, we created a new application named rekognition-service from the rekognition blueprint. In the second part, we deployed this serverless application to AWS CloudFormation. In this last part of the blog series, we describe how to test and check the result of the newly deployed rekognition-service application. Test the rekognition-service application by using the Amazon S3 bucket […]

AWS Toolkit for Eclipse: Improved Support for Serverless Applications (Part 2 of 3)

In the first part of this blog post, we talked about how to create a new AWS SAM application from the rekognition serverless blueprint. In this second part, we describe how to deploy the application to AWS CloudFormation. Deploy the rekognition-service application to a new CloudFormation stack This .gif animation shows the steps to deploy an AWS SAM application to […]

AWS Toolkit for Eclipse: Improved Support for Serverless Applications (Part 1 of 3)

I am happy to announce that the latest release of the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse includes a couple new enhancements for developing AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) applications. In this release, we added a new blueprint: rekognition. In part 1 of this blog post, we describe and show with an animation what this blueprint does, and how to use […]

AWS Toolkit for Eclipse: Support for AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodeStar

I am pleased to announce that the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse now supports AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodeStar. This means you can create, view, clone, and delete your AWS CodeCommit repositories in the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse. You can also import existing projects under your AWS CodeStar account directly into the Eclipse IDE. Git Credentials Configuration We recommend that […]

AWS Toolkit for Eclipse: VPC Configuration Enhancement for AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environments

From the blog post VPC Configuration for an AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment, you learned how to deploy your web application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk by using the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse. In this blog, I’m happy to announce that you can now configure Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) subnets and Amazon EC2 subnets separately. The following screenshots show the experience […]

AWS Toolkit for Eclipse: Support for Creating Maven Projects for AWS, Lambda, and Serverless Applications

I’m glad to announce that you can now leverage the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse to create Maven projects for AWS, Lambda, and serverless applications now. If you’re new to using the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse to create a Lambda application, you can see the Lambda plugin for more information. If you’re not familiar with serverless applications, see the Serverless Application Model […]

AWS Toolkit for Eclipse: Serverless Applications

I’m glad to announce that the AWS Lambda plugin in the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse now supports serverless application development for Java. The serverless application (also called a Lambda-based application) is composed of functions triggered by events. In this blog, I provide two examples to show you how to leverage the Eclipse IDE to create and deploy a serverless […]

AWS Toolkit for Eclipse: VPC Configuration for an AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment

I’m glad to announce that the AWS Elastic Beanstalk plugin in the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse now supports Configuring VPC with Elastic Beanstalk. If you’re new to AWS Toolkit for Eclipse, see the User Guide for a basic introduction and setup guidance. If you’re new to AWS Elastic Beanstalk plugin, see AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Eclipse Integration to learn […]

Creating Lambda Stream Functions Using the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse

In this blog post, I will introduce two new features in the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse: creating an AWS Lambda stream function and creating multiple AWS Lambda functions in a single project. Unlike the normal AWS Lambda functions which take in POJOs for handler Input/Output, the AWS Lambda stream functions let you use the InputStream and OutputStream […]

AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide Is Now Open Source

We are happy to announce that the AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide and AWS Toolkit for Eclipse User Guide are now open-sourced on GitHub! You can edit content and code inline, make pull requests, file issues, and send content suggestions to the documentation and SDK teams. The AWS SDKs have always embraced openness as a […]