AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Running a Security Organization in Times of Uncertainty and Change

As part of Verified: Presented by AWS Security, a new video series of discussions with security leaders, Amazon Web Services CISO Steve Schmidt sat down with Noopur Davis, EVP and Chief Product and Information Security Officer at Comcast, to discuss what it’s like to run a large security organization during challenging times. You can watch […]

The Chief People Officer—The CIO’s Partner in Change

“We need to be more agile. CIO, make it so.”   This statement might work in Star Trek, but in the real world, it does nothing to create organisational agility and resilience. When talking to C-suite audiences about agility, it’s commonly the chief people officers (CPO) who lean into the discussions. They appreciate agility as […]

The CIO-CFO Conversation: What to Include in the IT Snapshot

As I said in my last post, the way we’ve looked at IT investments and budgets has been missing some crucial context. It’s the current state of IT, the “balance sheet,” so to speak, that determines what spending and investments are necessary when considered alongside the company’s strategic imperatives. A conversation between the CIO and […]

Making Artificial Intelligence Real

“We need to be an AI-enabled company.” Replace the “AI” with any technology from history and this comment becomes a common refrain across businesses lured by the promises of new technology and fuelled by FOMO (a fear of missing out). As enterprise strategists and former CXOs who have lived through many “technology is the solution, […]

Reexamining Business Agility through the Lens of COVID-19

This guest post by Aaron Rallo touches on a topic that comes up frequently in my executive conversations and in my books: What is the value of agility and how can you assess it? Clearly, agility (flexibility, nimbleness, whatever word you prefer) has business value, since an agile business has less risk and the potential […]

The CIO-CFO Conversation: Capturing the State of IT

It’s important for CIOs to be able to convey the current state of IT, particularly in conversations with their CFOs. I’ve written before about the CIO-CFO dialogue and how it should change in the digital age. In the past, CIO-CFO conversations have generally focused on budget planning and execution, or on multiyear capital planning. But […]

3 Keys to Innovation in Insurance

There’s a path to digital transformation for companies in every industry, including those that have strong traditions and are highly risk-averse. In this blog post, John Lucking, AWS Principal Solutions Architect, looks at the insurance industry. —Mark Guest post by By John Lucking, AWS Principal Solutions Architect In risk-averse industries like insurance, customers frequently ask […]

Reimagining Your Business Model: How to Leverage Platforms and Marketplaces

In this guest post, Doug Smith, AWS Americas Advisory Shared Delivery Practice Leader, and Prasad MK, Senior Advisory Consultant, talk about using the cloud to support platform and ecosystem models. As enterprises consider the new business models and strategies available to them in the cloud, many should consider these an option; platform and ecosystems have […]

The CISO Perspective: How Chief Information Security Officers “Cross the River” to Cloud Adoption

In this guest post, Mignona Cote, the AWS Global Security Advisory lead, reports on her conversation with Jim Routh, Head of Enterprise Cybersecurity at MassMutual. Their discussion covers the challenges for CISOs who straddle the worlds of traditional information security and newer, digital. DevSecOps and cloud-based security paradigms. Ultimately, Routh says, CISOs must learn to […]

Illustration of people pulling a large weight uphill labelled "Technical Debt"

The CIO-CFO Conversation: Technical Debt—An Apt Term?

Sometimes we technologists can be a bit too clever for our own good. The term technical debt, attributed to Ward Cunningham in a 1992 OOPSLA conference speech¹, may be an example. We use the term often these days, generally in the context of justifying investments in nonfunctional aspects of IT; that is, investments intended to […]