AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Three white doors and one red door against a grey wall

Points of View: Surviving Digital Disruption

The AWS Enterprise Strategy team helps executives at large AWS enterprise customers with their nontechnical impediments to digital transformation and the cloud. We try to bring our experience as senior IT leaders, as well as what we’ve learned from helping other customers and from the IT thought leader community, to bear on the challenges faced […]

Dodo engraving from a French Geology Textbook, 1887

Unsustainable Competitive Advantage

In business school, we learned that companies need to develop sustainable competitive advantages. To build value for the long term, you needed to develop distinct competencies that your competitors would not be able to imitate, and then find a way to apply them as an advantage in the markets in which you compete. For some […]

The Project Management Office: From Technology Spectator to Enterprise Enabler

It is an inevitable defect, that bureaucrats will care more for routine than for results. —Walter Bagehot The Project Management Office: From Technology Spectator to Enterprise Enabler A topic which several customers have raised is the role of Project Management Offices (PMOs) in agile organisations. The question is normally about the PMO’s relevance in the […]

Lessons in Embracing Messiness

Managers don’t solve simple, isolated problems; they manage messes. -Russell L. Ackoff By education and hobbies, I am an electronics engineer. Most problems I face in this domain can be solved through the application of mathematical principles and known solutions. Complex problems can be decomposed into multiple simpler problems and solved in the same way, […]

The Agile Organisation: Changing our Worldview

It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change. —Charles Darwin From childhood, our amazing brain trains itself to recognise patterns. We use this capability to accelerate decision-making, saving us addressing every problem as if new. To apply patterns we ingest, filter, and interpret data using […]

Machine Learning: Avoiding Garbage in, Garbage Out

            From speaking with enterprise customers of all shapes and sizes, it is abundantly clear that we all share the same challenges: we’re racing to digitize our businesses, turn stalled progress into frequent innovation, and leverage data and machine learning. However, I feel there’s a gap in understanding how critical […]

AI Explorations of a Former Media CTO (With No Prior Machine Learning Experience)

One of the challenges many enterprise leaders face is how to experiment and quickly create business value from machine learning without establishing large teams with specialized skillsets and infrastructure. As a CTO, I found that having access to Amazon Web Service’s pre-trained AI Services enabled our developers, even those with no prior machine leaning experience, […]

Blog Wrap-Up 2019

Sorry, everyone—I know it’s a bit late to be posting a summary of last year’s content. It’s been a busy start to the year, meeting with customers in the US and Canada. In any case, here’s a summary of 2019’s enterprise strategy content that might help you find content that’s most useful to you. Much […]