AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Addressing the Digital Workforce Gap through Diversity and Inclusion

A frequent topic in our conversations with enterprise leaders is just how difficult it is to find people with the right skills for the digital age. We often suggest that their go-to-strategy should be to grow talent internally, developing the skills of people they already employ (an earlier blog post covers this subject as well). But […]

Use the Cloud to Protect the Cloud: A Holistic Approach to Securing AWS at Enterprise Scale

Note: The following is a guest post from Matt Trentler, an AWS professional services manager from our security, risk, and compliance practice. Introduction by Clarke Rodgers, AWS Enterprise Strategist I often meet with CxOs who understand in principle that a well-architected cloud implementation can be more secure than their current datacenter. However, “How do I build that […]

Announcing my New Book, War & Peace & IT – a Resource for Enterprise Leaders in the Digital Age

I’m very excited to announce that today is the official publication date of my latest book, War & Peace & IT: Business Leadership, Technology, and Success in the Digital Age. It is intended as the hitherto missing book for senior enterprise executives on how best to work with their technology organizations to accomplish their digital […]

Ahead in the Cloud: Colleen Camuccio of Dow Jones

In our latest “Ahead in the Cloud” post featuring Colleen Camuccio, VP of Program Management at Dow Jones, she explains how the AWS Cloud has helped transform and optimize their customer data platform program, which she directs. Now, she’s looking ahead to more innovation and business value for Dow Jones, leveraging the cloud. As if […]

We All Start Somewhere

I began my career as many do in technology, as a developer. I delivered SaaS solutions to simplify how our customers used our products at CIGNA and to increase the effectiveness of automotive dealership digital marketing and operations at As I began to lead teams, my foundation as a software engineer helped keep me […]

FinDev and Serverless Microeconomics: Part 2 – Impacts

By Aleksandar Simovic Introduction by Mark Schwartz Serverless computing (for example, the capabilities offered by AWS Lambda) is not just a new technology. Its implications—not yet widely understood—include a deep impact on enterprise strategy. Essentially, serverless computing completes the transformation of IT platforms to a utility, something like electricity: whenever you need a little bit […]

How GE Aviation Transformed into an Agile, Cloud-Native-First Software Organization

By Christopher Carissimi, VP of Software Engineering at GE Aviation. Introduction by Mark Schwartz Many enterprises worry about whether they have employees with the right skills for digital transformation and cloud migration. Well, of course they don’t. Any company that wants to “transform”—that is, to do things in a very different way than they have […]

The AWS Cost & Usage Report: The Next Step on Your Cost Management Journey

by Erin Carlson, AWS Product Marketing Manager Introduction by Mark Schwartz, AWS Enterprise Strategist One of the advantages of the cloud is that it allows you to right-size your infrastructure continuously—to add infrastructure when you need it and release infrastructure and stop paying for it when you don’t. This gives enterprises new degrees of freedom […]