AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Tag: Risk Management

Overseeing AI Risk in a Rapidly Changing Landscape

Boards faced with the responsibility of overseeing a company’s use of AI are in a difficult position as the technology and its social and regulatory context change rapidly. The technology’s implications are unclear: are today’s generative AI models a powerful way to accomplish specific business goals, or are they a near-final step on the path […]

A Culture of Resilience

There’s something problematic about planning for resilience. On the one hand, we know it’s necessary. If the COVID pandemic taught us nothing else, we learned that unexpected major disruptions can and will occur. And those disruptions will involve not just technology but, in some cases, business processes, personnel, communication, and even the fundamental market characteristics […]


Complexity, interchangeability, and partnership in outsourcing

In this post, John Naylon draws an interesting connection between multi-cloud strategies and outsourcing. I won’t steal his thunder by saying any more! Mark Complexity, interchangeability, and partnership in outsourcing  What do emptying the office wastepaper baskets and manufacturing iPhones have in common? Perhaps not much on first inspection. However, these are both tasks which […]

Opportunity Risks and Costs of Delay

We’re taught as managers that rigorous analysis and due diligence are a critical part of our jobs. There’s certainly comfort in spending the time to deeply analyze decisions before we make them. I don’t mean to question that received wisdom, just to point out that there’s a trade-off. Good managers need to do “the right […]

Man looking for path forward

I’m a Mature Cloud Adopter. Now What?

Many enterprises have already become proficient with the cloud. They’ve migrated a substantial portion of their workloads, learned the necessary cloud skills, established an aggressive security posture, and developed at least an initial workable operating model. What’s next? How do you build on that foundation to maximize the value of the cloud? Here are some […]

CxO Insight: Reporting Cybersecurity to the Board

by Clarke Rodgers, Enterprise Strategist, AWS Enterprise Strategy Over the last several months, one of the most common discussions I have had with members of the C-Suite is around how to effectively report and/or discuss cybersecurity with the organization’s Board of Directors (BoD) and/or Senior Leadership Team (SLT). Background Before I get into the details, […]

Techniques for Managing Strategic Risk

This new blog post, by John Naylon, Principal Solutions Architect at AWS, focuses on an important category of risk—strategic risks to a company. He shows why agility is so important in addressing those risks, and how balancing opportunities with risks effectively provides companies with a hedge against risks that can’t otherwise be mitigated. –Mark By […]

Security concept

Evolving GRC to Maximize Your Business Benefits from the Cloud

Introduction by Mark Schwartz This post continues our series on governance in the cloud. In earlier posts we discussed new strategies for governance, the governance that requires standardization and rules, and governance that oversees projects and investments. In another post John Thorp of AWS Professional Services wrote about AWS’s frameworks for evolving your Governance, Risk, […]

Risk and Plans: More Constraints Requires More Agility

I am often asked a question along these lines: Mark, I get that Agile and DevOps approaches favor learning and adjusting over rigidly following a plan. But our budgeting process locks in our spending (and therefore our annual plan) in advance, and our investment management process necessarily locks in spending levels and schedules for each […]