AWS for Industries

Category: Industries


Improve online shoppers’ brand loyalty: Providing accurate delivery dates and building customer trust with FenixCommerce’s order experience and tracking platforms

Many eCommerce retailers face significant planning challenges resulting from supply chain disruption, labor shortages, and a retail landscape significantly altered by the pandemic. Shoppers are searching for brands they can trust to meet their expectations for accurate, on-time delivery, and retailers are looking for solutions to delight their customers and build brand loyalty. Solve new […]

Linda JoJo, EVP & CDO at United Airlines at re-Invent 2021

Travel and Hospitality at AWS re:Invent 2021 – Industry Recap

Massimo, SriHari, and Steven were fortunate to join 20,000+ in-person attendees and more than 600,000 virtual participants at this year’s annual AWS innovation conference – re:Invent 2021. Customers and partners alike shared the overwhelming feeling of conducting business in-person again. Ian-Michael Farkas of Local Measure stated, “Making connections in-person has accelerated my ability to form […]

T&H top service announcements

Travel and Hospitality at AWS re:Invent 2021 – Top Announcements

There were 85+ new service and feature releases over the course of AWS re:Invent 2021, alongside opportunities to hear directly from leading Travel and Hospitality organizations. AWS has the longest experience, and offers the deepest and broadest set of services among cloud providers with over 200 services and features – and re:Invent 2021 did not […]

2022 Omnichannel Leadership Report

Driving Digital Transformation and Customer Engagement: The 2022 Omnichannel Leadership Report

The last two years have been marked by an unprecedented sea change in retail. Brands of all sizes and industries were forced to implement critical omnichannel capabilities, from safe store pickup to contactless payment. When many of these stores reopened, though, they took a step back as quickly as they had taken two steps forward. […]


Fast Retailing (Part 1): Transforming the Clothes Shopping Experience

AWS Japan G.K. invited Fast Retailing Co., Ltd. executives to speak on the theme of “Digital Reform Initiatives at Fast Retailing: Transformation of Engineering Organizations Utilizing AWS” on September 2, 2021. This post is part 1 of a two-part series where they share the key points of their discussion. Don’t miss part 2 – Building […]

Humans as Sensors for Water

Blog contributed by Mayank Sharma, Chief Data Officer at Vyntelligence. Humans have a vital relationship with water – it is essential for life, it nourishes and delights us, and it has been and continues to be revered as a fundamental element of nature. In fact, our thirst response mechanism is based on a highly sensitive […]

How Cover-More launched their insurance platform into a new region and improved worldwide operations using AWS Managed Services

Cover-More, a leading global travel insurance provider that is part of Zurich Insurance Group, recently won the privilege of providing travel insurance services to in Europe. To support this new distribution channel, Cover-More had an ambitious goal of launching a secure, flexible and resilient insurance platform in Ireland in three months – without any […]


What’s New in Retail from re:Invent 2021

It’s been two years since AWS hosted an in person re:Invent conference. Although everyone had masks on, the excitement was palpable. I had a great time meeting with customers in a face-to-face setting again with dinners and parties. It was really fun. And with so much news coming out of the event, I’m sure it […]

Insurance distribution transformation – how insurance carriers can adapt to the new normal with AWS

With physical distancing and other quarantine measures put in place because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the activities once considered critical to have in-person are shifting to digital and remote channels. This change is also affecting the insurance industry. Having face-to-face interactions with customers has been challenging during this period and the distribution channels have faced […]

re:Invent 2021: Top 5 Highlights and Recap for Financial Services

re:Invent 2021 celebrated its 10th year with a first-of-its-kind hybrid event, with over 20,000 in-person attendees and a virtual component for those who could not attend in person. For those able to make it to Las Vegas, there was plenty of excitement about being back at an in-person event and exploring the ways the cloud […]