The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: Technical How-to

Using MicroPython to get started with AWS IoT Core

Introduction Customers ask how they can get started with AWS IoT using the devices and languages they are familiar with. To help address this need, AWS has published tutorials such as connecting a Raspberry Pi and creating a virtual device with Amazon EC2 in the AWS IoT Core Developer Guide. This blog walks you through […]

Optimize image classification on AWS IoT Greengrass using ONNX Runtime

Introduction Performing machine learning inference on edge devices using models trained in the cloud has become a popular use case in Internet of Things (IoT) as it brings the benefits of low latency, scalability, and cost savings. When deploying models to edge devices with limited compute and memory, developers have the challenge to manually tune […]

Protecting Linux-based IoT devices against unintended USB access

Introduction The Internet of Things (IoT) industry continues to grow at an aggressive pace. As the number of connected devices ramps up, managing security of these devices at scale can be challenging. One of the potential risks that IoT devices face is unintended USB access, which can occur when an unauthorized connection is made through […]

Secure IIoT secondary sensing using AWS Snowcone and CloudRail

Introduction One of the major barriers to Industrial IoT (IIoT) adoption is integrating modern IIoT solutions in brownfield environments with legacy components and systems. These legacy industrial components and systems could be 20, 30, 40 years old and are less capable of supporting modern security standards. Physically connecting legacy industrial systems to the cloud can be […]

Ingest industrial data at scale with AWS IoT SiteWise Edge on Microsoft Windows Server

Introduction Industrial customers in manufacturing, oil and gas, energy, and utilities industries commonly use Windows-based industrial devices and infrastructure. The recent release of AWS IoT SiteWise Edge for Windows, enables these customers to rapidly deploy and connect AWS IoT industrial facilities to AWS. Customers will be able to install AWS IoT SiteWise Edge natively on […]

How to build smart applications using Protocol Buffers with AWS IoT Core

Introduction to Protocol Buffers Protocol Buffers, or Protobuf, provide a platform-neutral approach for serializing structured data. Protobuf is similar to JSON, except it is smaller, faster, and is capable of automatically generating bindings in your preferred programming language. AWS IoT Core is a managed service that lets you connect billions of IoT devices and route […]

Building an OCPP-compliant electric vehicle charge point operator solution using AWS IoT Core

The shift from fossil fuels to electric powered vehicles is a key component of government and commercial commitments to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. It is projected that the United States alone will require a national network of at least 500,000 electric vehicle (EV) chargers by 2030 to support the projected number of EVs on […]

Ingesting industrial media to Amazon Kinesis Video Streams using AWS IoT Greengrass V2 components

Introduction Organizations install hundreds of Internet Protocol (IP) cameras to increase security by surveilling indoor and outdoor spaces. This is a common need for manufacturing plant floors across industries such as automotive, commercial, Oil & Gas, public safety, and agri-tech. Companies connect cameras to the cloud to create a centralized view of their siloed data […]

Enabling device maintenance across multiple time zones using AWS IoT Jobs

Introduction A benefit of Internet of things (IoT) technology is the ability to connect your devices to the cloud and easily access them from around the world. While this benefit has unlocked many opportunities, it has also has created a major challenge of keeping devices updated. Managing and maintaining a fleet of IoT devices spread […]

Route messages across multiple accounts with AWS IoT Core and Amazon SQS

Introduction In this blog, we explain how to route AWS IoT Core messages from one or more ingestion accounts to Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) in a data account. It is a common pattern to have IoT telemetry ingested into one account and then require it to be shipped to another account for further […]