The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Tag: AWS IoT Rule

Streamline the process of developing IoT applications with Toolbox for AWS IoT

Introduction Streamlining the development of Internet of Things (IoT) applications can help your company stand out. It can also spur new innovations, such as connecting and leveraging data from countless devices to empower data-driven choices, optimized operations, and creative new offerings in today’s fast-changing world. As IoT adoption grows, one of the challenges that developers […]

Connected vehicles telemetry – Processing Protobuf messages with AWS IoT Core

Introduction In connect vehicles applications, telemetry data is usually very extensive, containing structure and unstructured data. To send data over to the Cloud you can use Protocol Buffers (Protobuf – binary format). Protobuf provides the application with an efficient yet well structured compressing mechanism. The built-in protocol documentation makes data serialization and deserialization more manageable […]