The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Tag: AWS IoT

Mark Relph, Head of BD & Strategy for AWS IoT, presenting a keynote session at IoT World 2019

AWS Insights from IoT World 2019

  At IoT World Santa Clara, over 12,000 IoT leaders and innovators gathered to make connections and gain insights about how to digitally transform their businesses with IoT. The AWS IoT team spent the week meeting with customers and partners, sharing insights onstage, and showcasing a variety of AWS IoT use cases in AWS’s own and […]

Using AWS IoT to Create a Smart Home Water-Monitoring Solution

Using AWS IoT to Create a Smart Home Water-Monitoring Solution

2018 saw the fourth year of drought and the worst in recorded history for the city of Cape Town, South Africa. “Day zero” was a term coined by the city for the day when they would have to turn the water off for citizens. Fortunately, “day zero” was never realized, and Cape Town didn’t go […]

How to Install a Face Recognition Model at the Edge with AWS IoT Greengrass

How to Install a Face Recognition Model at the Edge with AWS IoT Greengrass

Editor Note: This post is co-authored by Gong Xinyue, one of Global Accounts Solution Architects. You might already know how to use AWS IoT Core and AWS IoT Greengrass for remote device communication and control. With AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning (ML) Inference, you can run machine learning models on your local devices without any […]

Deploy AWS IoT Greengrass as a Snap to Your Edge Devices

Canonical and AWS have collaborated to offer AWS IoT Greengrass as snap, a containerized software package that can run on a variety of Linux distributions. The combination of AWS IoT Greengrass and Ubuntu Core provides IoT developers with a fast path from development to production for their secure device. The AWS IoT Greengrass snap, available […]

Get Started with the IoT Foundation Series from AWS Training and Certification

The IoT Foundation Series, a new curriculum dedicated to IoT on AWS, is now available online on the AWS Training and Certification website. This curriculum contains self-directed online training classes that are scenario-based and aligned with the library of IoT design patterns called the IoT Atlas and IoT best practices in AWS whitepapers. This curriculum […]

Provision Devices Globally with AWS IoT

Customers are building globally distributed IoT solutions with AWS IoT. A device that connects to AWS IoT must be provisioned in an AWS Region. However, when devices are shipped globally, you don’t know in which AWS IoT Region the device will connect when it starts operation. In this blog post, I will describe a global […]

Using Bluetooth Low Energy with Amazon FreeRTOS on Espressif ESP32

Today Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the beta of Amazon FreeRTOS BLE, a feature that makes it possible for embedded developers to securely connect Amazon FreeRTOS devices that use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to AWS IoT through Android or iOS devices. BLE support in Amazon FreeRTOS lets developers create new applications for devices that need […]

Integrating AWS IoT and AWS Greengrass into the Automotive Grade Linux Software Stack

Post by Hitendra Nishar, AWS Solutions Builder Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) is an open source project to accelerate the development and adoption of a fully open software stack for connected vehicles. AGL is building a Linux-based, open software platform that can serve as the de facto industry standard and enable rapid development of new features […]

Configuring Cognito User Pools to Communicate with AWS IoT Core

AWS IoT Core supports certificate-based mutual authentication, custom authorizers, and Amazon Cognito Identity as way to authenticate requests to the AWS IoT device gateway. Amazon Cognito User Pools was made generally available last year. It allows customers to easily add user sign up and sign in to mobile and web apps. You can use Cognito […]