AWS Machine Learning Blog
Control formality in machine translated text using Amazon Translate
Amazon Translate is a neural machine translation service that delivers fast, high-quality, affordable, and customizable language translation. Amazon Translate now supports formality customization. This feature allows you to customize the level of formality in your translation output. At the time of writing, the formality customization feature is available for six target languages: French, German, Hindi, Italian, […]
Translating PDF documents using Amazon Translate and Amazon Textract
In 1993, the Portable Document Format or the PDF was born and released to the world. Since then, companies across various industries have been creating, scanning, and storing large volumes of documents in this digital format. These documents and the content within them are vital to supporting your business. Yet in many cases, the content […]
Getting a batch job completion message from Amazon Translate
Amazon Translate is a neural machine translation service that delivers fast, high-quality, and affordable language translation. Neural machine translation is a form of language translation automation that uses deep learning models to deliver more accurate and natural-sounding translation than traditional statistical and rule-based translation algorithms. The translation service is trained on a wide variety of […]
Receive Phone Call Alerts for AWS Account Security Events With Amazon Polly
Security of your AWS account is paramount. Staying up to date with any security-related events in your AWS account is important. There are various ways to get alerts- via email or SMS, however in this blog post I’m going to show you how to get a voice alert on your phone using Amazon AI services like Amazon Polly and any cloud-based communications platform like Twilio.