AWS Machine Learning Blog

Simplify Machine Learning Inference on Kubernetes with Amazon SageMaker Operators

Amazon SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes allows you to augment your existing Kubernetes cluster with SageMaker hosted endpoints. Machine learning inferencing requires investment to create a reliable and efficient service. For an XGBoost model, developers have to create an application, such as through Flask that will load the model and then run the endpoint, which requires […]

Automating model retraining and deployment using the AWS Step Functions Data Science SDK for Amazon SageMaker

As machine learning (ML) becomes a larger part of companies’ core business, there is a greater emphasis on reducing the time from model creation to deployment. In November of 2019, AWS released the AWS Step Functions Data Science SDK for Amazon SageMaker, an open-source SDK that allows developers to create Step Functions-based machine learning workflows […]

Lowering total cost of ownership for machine learning and increasing productivity with Amazon SageMaker

You have many choices for building, training, and deploying machine learning (ML) models. Weighing the financial considerations of different cloud solutions requires detailed analysis. You must consider the infrastructure, operational, and security costs for each step of the ML workflow, as well as the size and expertise of your data science teams. The Total Cost […]

Flagging suspicious healthcare claims with Amazon SageMaker

The National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association (NHCAA) estimates that healthcare fraud costs the nation approximately $68 billion annually—3% of the nation’s $2.26 trillion in healthcare spending. This is a conservative estimate; other estimates range as high as 10% of annual healthcare expenditure, or $230 billion. Healthcare fraud inevitably results in higher premiums and out-of-pocket expenses […]

Amazon Personalize can now use 10X more item attributes to improve relevance of recommendations

January 2023: This blog post was reviewed and updated by Brian Soper and Rob Percival, with new steps and code along with the option to use AWS CloudShell to run the procedure. Amazon Personalize is a machine learning service which enables you to personalize your website, app, ads, emails, and more, with custom machine learning […]

Capturing and validating alphanumeric identifiers in Amazon Lex

Enterprises often rely on unique identifiers to look up information on accounts or events. For example, airlines use confirmation codes to locate itineraries, and insurance companies use policy IDs to retrieve policy details. In customer support, these identifiers are the first level of information necessary to address customer requests. Identifiers are typically a combination of […]

Registration for Amazon re:MARS is Now Open

Editor’s Note: We have been closely monitoring the situation with COVID-19, and after much consideration, we have made the decision to cancel re:MARS 2020. Our top priority is the well-being of our employees, customers, partners, and event attendees. Over the course of the coming weeks, we will explore other ways to engage the community. To […]

Build a unique Brand Voice with Amazon Polly

AWS is pleased to announce a new feature in Amazon Polly called Brand Voice, a capability in which you can work with the Amazon Polly team of AI research scientists and linguists to build an exclusive, high-quality, Neural Text-to-Speech (NTTS) voice that represents your brand’s persona. Brand Voice allows you to differentiate your brand by […]

Identifying worker labeling efficiency using Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth

A critical success factor in machine learning (ML) is the cleanliness and accuracy of training datesets. Training with mislabeled or inaccurate data can lead to a poorly performing model. But how can you easily determine if the  labeling team is  accurately labeling data? One way is to manually sift through the results one worker at […]

Millennium Management: Secure machine learning using Amazon SageMaker

This is a guest post from Millennium Management. In their own words, “Millennium Management is a global investment management firm, established in 1989, with over 2,900 employees and $39.2 billion in assets under management as of August 2, 2019.” Millennium Management is comprised of a large number of specialized trading teams across the United States, […]