AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Amazon EC2

Choosing the right Amazon EC2 Instance types for rendering with Thinkbox Deadline (Part 2)

Previously, I published a post detailing the differences between the Amazon EC2 instance types available on AWS. This time, I’m not going to focus on the differences between the instance types. Instead, I focus on how to pick the right instance type for you. One size fits all? I’d love to be able to end […]

Choosing the right Amazon EC2 instance types for rendering with Thinkbox Deadline (Part 1)

Thinkbox Deadline 10 introduced the AWS Portal Panel, which helps you scale up your render farm with Amazon EC2 Spot Instances. You can get started with AWS Portal by following the instructions at AWS Portal Setup. After you’ve launched your infrastructure, you’re ready to start your Spot Fleet requests. You’ve chosen the software to render […]

APN Blog: Using the new G3 Instance to playout an IP-based ultra high definition channel on AWS

AWS Partner Cinegy has long been an advocate of IP-based video workflows and understands that maintaining visual quality whilst reducing bandwidth consumption is an ongoing challenge with the increasing data requirements of formats such as Ultra High Definition (UHD). In this post, Cinegy demonstrates how to deploy a fully-functional playout engine using Amazon EC2 resources […]