AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

How Amazon SES Mail Manager Elevates Email Security and Efficiency

In today’s digital landscape, efficient and secure email management is essential for businesses facing the complexities of cyber threats and regulatory compliance. Companies are seeking ways to safeguard against unauthorized access and apply audit rules, while maintaining operational efficiency. Amazon SES Mail Manager is designed to meet these challenges, offering a suite of features that enhance both inbound and outbound email flows.

Mail Manager provides key components such as traffic policies for detailed email filtering, authenticated ingress endpoints that ensure emails are received only from verified senders, and customizable rule sets that enable administrators to precisely manage email traffic. These tools aim to bolster security and streamline the email management process.

The blog explores Mail Manager’s capabilities by demonstrating how each component works and can be utilized in practical business scenarios. Some common use cases include security, where Mail Manager blocks harmful emails based on IP ranges, TLS versions, and authentication checks while leveraging third-party security add-ons. Another use case is email archiving, where you can use Mail Manager to set up multiple archives with customizable retention periods and encryption, ensuring compliance and easy searchability.

Familiarize with some of mail manager’s key components below before proceeding with the customer use cases.

Mail manager components definition:

  • Ingress endpoints:
    • Open ingress endpoint: a SMTP endpoint responsible for accepting connections, and process SMTP conversation key infrastructure. It’s a key component that utilizes traffic polices and rules that you can configure to determine which emails should be allowed into your organization and which ones should be rejected.
    • Authenticated ingress endpoint: Mail sent to your domain has to come from authorized senders whom you’ve shared your SMTP credentials with, such as your on-premise email servers.
  • Traffic policies: let you determine the email you want to allow or block from your ingress endpoint. A traffic policy consists of one or more policy statements where you allow or deny traffic based on a variety of protocols including recipient address, sender IP address and TLS protocol version.
  • Rules sets: A Rule set is a container for an ordered set of rules you create to perform actions on your email. Each rule consists of conditions and rules.
  • Email add-ons: A suite of 3rd party applications that are seamlessly integrated with Amazon SES mail manager. Some of them are Trend Micro Virus Scanning, Abusix Mail intelligence and Spamhaus Domain Block List.

For a deep dive into Mail Manager’s capabilities, ready this blog.

Customer background and use case is an online retail business with multiple departments, including marketing, tech, and sales, that send and receive emails. is looking for a solution to monitor both outbound and inbound emails and apply various controls such as filtering, message processing, and archiving. uses Outlook as an enterprise mailbox environment for its employees.

Use case 1: to the world

This use case focuses on the outbound email flow, where employees are sending emails outside of Some of the requirements include the archival of all outbound emails originated by the marketing department, blocking any tech emails exceeding 1mb and scanning the email content of emails originated by sales. These controls should be centrally managed and provide flexibility to edit/create/delete new ones.

Solution: Each department will direct its outbound emails to an authenticated ingress endpoint by configuring an Exchange transport rule. These endpoints ensure that only authorized senders with SMTP credentials can send emails. Each ingress endpoint generates an A record, which is added as an MX record to the DNS provider for each department’s subdomain. Additionally, each ingress endpoint is associated with a specific traffic policy and rule set. According to’s requirements, all connections between the departments and the ingress endpoints must use TLS 1.3 or higher. Emails that comply with the traffic policies are processed through distinct rule sets. Emails from marketing that comply with DKIM and SPF are first archived and then sent to the recipient via the Send to Internet action. Tech emails have their recipient’s address rewritten to a test email address, while emails from the sales department undergo content scanning before being sent to the final recipients via the Send to Internet action.

Mail manager outbound

Use case 2: World to

This use case focuses on the inbound email flow, where third parties send emails to requires inbound emails to pass SPF and DKIM and have TLS 1.3 or higher to be archived. Emails originating from,’s fulfilment partner, are containing customer order updates. These emails should be processed by and accordingly update the customers’ order status database. Furthermore, emails should originate from a certain IP range, have TLS 1.3 or higher and pass SPF and DKIM.

Solution: will use an open ingress endpoint without authentication for all inbound external emails. This is achieved by adding an MX record generated by Mail Manager upon the creation of the ingress endpoint. This ingress endpoint will be associated with a traffic policy that evaluates TLS. If the inbound email conforms to the traffic policy, it will proceed through the rule set condition and actions. The rule set condition is to pass SPF and DKIM and the actions are to be archived and then sent to the final recipient ( employee) via SMTP Relay. Emails containing parcel delivery updates from will be directed to a separate subdomain, which routes all inbound emails to an authenticated ingress endpoint. Emails from with TLS 1.3 or higher will meet the traffic policy requirements. If they are SPF and DKIM passing, they will be stored in a Amazon S3 bucket as part of the rule set. Using Amazon S3 notifications, an AWS Lambda function is invoked upon receiving an email. This function processes the email payload, and performs an API call to update the customers’ order status database.

Mail manager inbound

Archiving inbound emails

In the following section, you will use AWS CloudShell and AWS CLI commands to create a traffic policy that rejects emails with TLS versions lower than 1.3, includes an open ingress endpoint, and establishes a ruleset that archives emails that are DKIM passing.

Prerequisites: Own a domain and have access to its DNS provider, in order to add the MX record.

Navigate to the AWS Management Console and open CloudShell, find CloudShell availability here. Follow the steps below by copying and pasting the AWS CLI commands to the CloudShell terminal. Note that creating and configuring these resources, can also be done from the AWS Console.

# 1. Creating archive

ARCHIVE=$(aws mailmanager create-archive \
  --archive-name NutritionCo \
  --retention RetentionPeriod=THREE_MONTHS \
  --region ${AWS_REGION} \
  --tags Key=Company,Value=NutritionCo | jq -r '.ArchiveId') && echo $ARCHIVE

# 2. Creating traffic policy

TRAFFIC_POLICY=$(aws mailmanager --region ${AWS_REGION} create-traffic-policy \
  --traffic-policy-name ArchiveTrafficPolicy \
  --default-action DENY \
  --policy-statements '[
      "Action": "ALLOW",
      "Conditions": [
          "TlsExpression": {
            "Evaluate": {
              "Attribute": "TLS_PROTOCOL"
            "Operator": "MINIMUM_TLS_VERSION",
            "Value": "TLS1_3"
  ]'| jq -r '.TrafficPolicyId') && echo $TRAFFIC_POLICY

# 3. Creating Mailmanager RuleSet for archiving

RULE_SET=$(aws mailmanager --region ${AWS_REGION} create-rule-set \
  --rule-set-name ArchiveRuleSet \
  --rules '[
      "Name": "Archive",
      "Actions": [
          "Archive": {
            "TargetArchive": "'"${ARCHIVE}"'"
      "Conditions": [
          "VerdictExpression": {
            "Evaluate": {
              "Attribute": "DKIM"
            "Operator": "EQUALS",
            "Values": ["PASS"]
  ]'| jq -r '.RuleSetId') && echo $RULE_SET

# 4. Create ingress endpoint

aws mailmanager --region ${AWS_REGION} create-ingress-point \
--ingress-point-name Archiving \
--type OPEN \
--traffic-policy-id ${TRAFFIC_POLICY} \
--rule-set-id ${RULE_SET}

To view the resources created above, navigate to the Amazon SES console > Mail Manager and view Traffic policies and Rule sets. Below, you can see the rule in edit mode.

Mail-Manager-RulesetNavigate to Amazon SES > Mail Manager > Ingress endpoint, select the ingress endpoint named Archiving and copy the ARecord, which looks like this <unique-id> – see screenshot below. Add this value to your MX record.


To test if the MX record has been added successfully, open your local terminal and execute the command below:
nslookup -type=MX <>
The response should return the MX preference and mail exchanger containing the A record value.


To test if the inbound emails are archived successfully, send an email to an address within the domain for which you have added the MX record. Wait for 3-5 minutes to allow for email processing. Then, navigate to the AWS Management Console, go to Amazon SES, and select Mail Manager. Under Email Archiving, select NutritionCo under Archive and click on Search. This should return all the emails you have sent.


Conclusion & Next steps

In this blog, we delved into the essential features of Amazon SES Mail Manager and its application in managing both inbound and outbound email flows. We explored key components such as traffic policies, authenticated ingress endpoints, and customizable rule sets that enhance security and operational efficiency. Through practical use cases, this blog demonstrates how these features can be implemented to meet the specific needs of a business like By leveraging Amazon SES Mail Manager, businesses can significantly enhance their email security and management processes, safeguarding against cyber threats while ensuring compliance and efficiency.

Continue exploring Mail Manager’s features such as SMTP relays and Email add-ons.

Alexey Kiselev

Alexey Kiselev

Alexey Kiselev is a Senior SDE working on Amazon Email. Alexey has played a pivotal role in shaping the design, infrastructure, and delivery of MailManager. With years of experience, deep understanding of the industry and a passion for innovation he is enthusiast and a builder with a core area of interest on scalable and cost-effective email management and email security solutions.

Pavlos Ioannou Katidis

Pavlos Ioannou Katidis

Pavlos Ioannou Katidis is an Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Simple Email Service Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. He loves to dive deep into his customer’s technical issues and help them design communication solutions. In his spare time, he enjoys playing tennis, watching crime TV series, playing FPS PC games, and coding personal projects.