Front-End Web & Mobile

AWS SAM now supports GraphQL Applications with AWS AppSync

We are pleased to announce that AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) now supports building serverless GraphQL APIs with AWS AppSync. AWS SAM provides a short-hand syntax for defining AWS serverless resources. AWS AppSync enables developers to connect their applications to data and events with secure, serverless, and performant GraphQL and Pub/Sub APIs. GraphQL APIs […]

NextJs on Amplify

SSG vs SSR in Next.js Web Applications: Choosing the Right Rendering Approach

Next.js, a popular React framework, has changed the way developers build modern web applications. It offers powerful features, such as Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG), which optimize your application’s performance and user experience. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key differences between SSG and SSR, their advantages, when to choose one […]

Building a social network app with Amplify Form Builder and Storage

For apps that are heavily image dependent, like social media apps, managing file upload and access is core to the app’s success. Integrating with all the services needed for cloud-based file management and access can be painful, but Amplify Studio can provide you with tools to integrate quickly and easily with AWS S3 storage. In […]

lightweight clients announcement

AWS Amplify JavaScript Library Announces Leaner Bundles and Faster Load Times

We are excited to announce that the AWS Amplify JavaScript library has significantly reduced the bundle size for critical categories, including Auth, Storage, Notifications, and Analytics. For your users, this translates into faster load times when using your apps. These reductions in bundle size are in response to popular demand from our community. We are […]

cover image - schema composition

AWS AppSync Merged APIs Best Practices: Part 2 – Schema Composition

In the AWS AppSync Merged API – Best practices series, we cover important topics for developers, architects, and security engineers who are creating and managing AWS AppSync Merged and Source APIs. This multi-part series discusses best practices on schema composition, deployment and testing, security and subscriptions for Merged APIs. AWS AppSync offers Merged APIs, which […]

Apollo GraphQL Federation with AWS AppSync

This article was written by Florian Chazal, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS Update (August 2022): This blog post has been updated to comply with the new Apollo Federation spec v2.0. If you are migrating from v1 check the official documentation. Apollo Federation is an architecture and specification used to build and connect multiple distributed backend […]

Client-side Caching Strategies for a Next.js app with AWS Amplify

Client-side Caching Strategies for a Next.js app with AWS Amplify

This post builds on the initial posts in this series, Build a Product Roadmap with Next.js and Amplify, where we built an admin page for product managers to login and update the roadmap and then updated the app to add storage of documents. In this post, we’ll adapt the product management application to include a caching layer […]

Share code between Next.js apps with Nx on AWS Amplify Hosting

Share code between Next.js apps with Nx on AWS Amplify Hosting

In this post, we will explore the capabilities of AWS Amplify Hosting to interface with monorepos, specifically Nx, and deploy the frontend applications that reside in them.  We’ll learn the benefits of using a monorepo through an example of multiple banking websites that use the same mortgage calculator made up of libraries and components that […]

watchOS and tvOS are now GA

Announcing watchOS and tvOS Support on AWS Amplify Library for Swift

June 27, 2024: This blog post covers Amplify Gen 1. For new Amplify apps, we recommend using Amplify Gen 2. You can learn more about Gen 2 in our launch blog post. We are excited to announce that Amplify Library for Swift now supports watchOS and tvOS platforms! Amplify Library for Swift allows developers building […]