Front-End Web & Mobile

Tag: fullstack

fullstack NextJS with MongoDB AD

The fullstack guide to using AWS AppSync and MongoDB Atlas

NOTE: Some features mentioned below will be deprecated by Mongo. Learn more. AWS AppSync is a fully managed service that makes it simple to build scalable APIs for web and mobile applications. It allows you to create APIs that access data from a variety of sources, including databases, serverless functions, and other AWS services. With AWS […]

Managing images in your NextJS app with AWS AppSync and the AWS CDK

In modern applications, sharing files is as much a necessity as having a database or authentication. When working with AWS, a common storage solution is to use Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) where files are stored in an S3 bucket. The problem however, is a file often needs to be associated with data stored in […]

Feature Launch: Deploy a fullstack Next.js 13 app with AWS CDK

Deploy a NextJS 13 application to Amplify with the AWS CDK

Modern application development often includes features such as authentication, API setup, and file storage. In a previous post we saw how AWS Amplify and the AWS CDK manage the undifferentiated heavy-lifting of standing up these services. However, without a hosting platform your customers would never see your product. Fortunately, AWS Amplify Hosting is a platform […]

Complete guide to full-stack CI/CD workflows with AWS Amplify

June 27, 2024: This blog post covers Amplify Gen 1. For new Amplify apps, we recommend using Amplify Gen 2. You can learn more about Gen 2 in our launch blog post. Today AWS Amplify launched new enhancements to it’s CI/CD workflow for full-stack deployments that include conditional backend deployments, automatic build-time generation of the […]