Front-End Web & Mobile

Tag: Next.js

Introducing the Next Generation of AWS Amplify’s Fullstack Development Experience

AWS Amplify just announced a public preview of a new code-first developer experience that empowers frontend developers to quickly build and deploy fullstack apps with their existing TypeScript or Javascript skills. The first generation of the tooling offered a tooling-first experience, using a CLI/Console-based interactive workflow to create a backend. Gen 2 transitions to a […]

Managing images in your NextJS app with AWS AppSync and the AWS CDK

In modern applications, sharing files is as much a necessity as having a database or authentication. When working with AWS, a common storage solution is to use Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) where files are stored in an S3 bucket. The problem however, is a file often needs to be associated with data stored in […]

Deploy a Next.js 13 app to AWS with Amplify Hosting

June 27, 2024: This blog post covers Amplify Gen 1. For new Amplify apps, we recommend using Amplify Gen 2. You can learn more about Gen 2 in our launch blog post. Today, AWS Amplify Hosting announces Next.js 12 and 13 support. Your app can take advantage of Next.js features including server-side rendering (SSR), API routes, middleware, […]

Host a Next.js SSR app with real-time data on AWS Amplify

UPDATE: Amplify Hosting now supports Next.js 12 and 13. Please visit our new launch blog to learn more. Today, AWS Amplify Hosting announced support for continuously deploying server-side rendering (SSR) apps built with Next.js. With this launch, AWS Amplify CI/CD and Hosting allows you to deploy hybrid Next.js apps that support both static and dynamic […]