AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Amazon CloudWatch

Optimize Log Collection with Amazon CloudWatch Agent Log Filter Expressions

The Amazon CloudWatch agent is a software package that autonomously and continuously runs on your servers. You can install and configure the CloudWatch agent to collect system and application logs from Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), on-premises hosts, and containerized applications. The logs collected by the CloudWatch agent are processed and stored in Amazon CloudWatch, […]

Deliver Java JMX statistics to Amazon CloudWatch using the CloudWatch Agent and CollectD

A common problem customers face is alerting when their Java-based workloads experience performance issues, such as heap constraints. In this post, I’ll illustrate how relevant metrics from the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) can be collected and sent to Amazon CloudWatch, where customers can define alerts that fire when workloads are in jeopardy. Overview Let’s consider […]

Create ServiceNow Incidents for Amazon CloudWatch Alarms using AWS Service Management Connector for ServiceNow

Many customers use ServiceNow for Incident Management, and have asked how they can create ServiceNow incidents when CloudWatch alarms are triggered in their AWS environment. The AWS post Learn how to leverage Amazon CloudWatch alarms to create an incident in ServiceNow explains how to leverage Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topics to send messages […]

Using Amazon CloudWatch dashboards custom widgets

Many of our customers use Amazon CloudWatch dashboards but have additional use cases that would benefit from the ability to include custom datasets in their existing dashboards. Custom widgets let you create your own visualizations or datasets, share them with other teams, provide input or parameters to your widget, and adjust the time scoped on […]

AWS named for the first time ever as a Challenger in 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring and Observability

This year, AWS was recognized for the first time as a Challenger in the 2022 Gartner Application Performance Monitoring and Observability (APM) Magic Quadrant. This is the first time AWS is recognized in the report’s 12-year history. The report is published annually and assesses vendors based on their Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision. […]

Accelerate your Monitoring and Observability foundation through AWS Managed Services

To establish a strong foundation for efficiently and safely operating your workloads in the cloud, you must consider how you will monitor the health of your workloads. As described in the AWS Well-Architected Operational Excellence pillar, one of the cloud’s design principles for operational excellence is “Anticipate Failure.” Therefore, design your cloud operations with proactive […]

AWS Observability Services and Nobl9 Provide Quick and Easy SLO Monitoring

Learn how OutSystems uses AWS observability services and Nobl9 to establish and implement Service Level Objectives (SLOs) that consistently meet customers’ service availability expectations. What are SLOs? SLOs are essentially targets that are set for a given system’s desired consistency of behavior over time. SLO compliance is tracked based on service level indicators (SLIs), which […]

Using Amazon CloudWatch metrics math to monitor and scale resources

Many applications require monitoring, scaling, and alerting across multiple dimensions. This requirement adds operational complexity for Developer Operations (DevOps) teams, as they must track numerous discrete data points. Instead, you can use Amazon CloudWatch metric math to create composite metrics quickly and easily. In this post, you’ll learn to apply these concepts to monitoring dashboards, […]

Using Business Agility to Unlock Business Value while Migrating to AWS

In a recent article by McKinsey, ” Unlocking value: Four lessons in cloud sourcing and consumption”, enterprises estimate that around 30% of their cloud spend is wasted. Furthermore, approximately 80% of enterprises consider managing cloud spend a challenge. Even though over 70% of enterprises cite optimizing cloud spend as a major goal, it remains an […]

How to auto add new cross-account Amazon EC2 instances in a central Amazon CloudWatch dashboard

Managing various metrics of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances in multiple accounts can be challenging, especially if new instances are launched regularly. Amazon CloudWatch has a cross-account dashboard functionality that provides you with cross-account visibility to various metrics without having to log in and out of different accounts. In addition, CloudWatch dashboards are […]