AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: AWS Service Catalog

Fail fast but safely – how Old Mutual is using Developer Sandboxes for real digital innovation

This is a guest post co-authored with Kershnee Ballack and Wilkister Wechuli from Old Mutual Limited Old Mutual Limited (OML) is a pan-African financial services group that offers financial solutions to retail and corporate customers across 14 African countries. Its purpose is to help customers thrive by enabling them to achieve their lifetime financial goals, […]

Chaos engineering leveraging AWS Fault Injection Simulator in a multi-account AWS environment

Large-scale distributed software systems in the cloud are composed of several individual sub-systems—such as CDNs, load balancers, web servers, application servers and databases—as well as their interactions. The interactions sometimes have unpredictable outcomes caused by unforeseen events (for example, a network failure, instance failure, etc.). These events can lead to system-wide failures of your critical […]

Publish the Standardized EKS cluster and container resources using AWS Service Catalog

Publish the Standardized EKS cluster and container resources using AWS Service Catalog The pace of application development in modern cloud native environments is continuing to grow faster along with business innovation. Many companies are having difficulty figuring out how to maintain their governance best practices and compliance requirements while sustaining agile innovation culture. AWS Service […]

How to validate AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry attribute groups schema and take remediation actions

Many customers define resource tagging strategy to manage their AWS resources to either being able to identify the resource owner or the cost center, or for any other purpose. Therefore, it’s important to have a mechanism to identify those resources that don’t have the essential resource tags. In AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry, attribute groups are […]

Migrate AWS Landing Zone solution to AWS Control Tower

Customers who wanted to quickly set up a secure, compliant, multi-account AWS environment had adopted AWS Landing Zone solution (ALZ). To reduce the burden of managing this ALZ, AWS has announced a managed service – AWS Control Tower (Control Tower). AWS Control Tower creates your landing zone using AWS Organizations, thereby bringing together ongoing account […]

Extending your Control Tower Network security with Amazon Route 53 DNS Firewall

In our previous post, “Securely scale multi-account architecture with AWS Network Firewall and AWS Control Tower”, we described how AWS Network Firewall can be implemented in an AWS Control Tower environment. AWS Network Firewall provides a stateful, managed firewall with rules to filter and block network and application layer traffic coming to your applications. Centralized […]

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Govern your applications centrally using AppRegistry and Application Manager

The customers I work with often handle multiple applications in their cloud environments. In general, an application includes multiple AWS resources deployed via AWS CloudFormation stacks, APIs, or other infrastructure as code tools. My customers often ask me about efficient mechanisms for managing the resources and governing the security policies of their resources in an Application […]

Standardize compliance in AWS using DevOps and a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCOE) approach

Standardize compliance in AWS using DevOps and a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCOE) approach

In large scale cloud migrations and deployments, a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCOE) organizational setup enables project and account owners to move at their own speed, reuse components, and integrate them into their application environments. The CCOE team can develop better tools and automation for the application teams to leverage, and they can be sure […]

Using AWS Control Tower and AWS Service Catalog to automate Control Tower lifecycle events

Many enterprise customers who use AWS Control Tower to create accounts want a way to extend the account creation process. They want this process to cover common business use cases including the creation of networks, security profiles, governance, and compliance. A manual process manually is cumbersome and makes it difficult for the organization to respond […]

Setting up secure, well-governed machine learning environments on AWS.

Setting up secure, well-governed machine learning environments on AWS

When customers begin their machine learning (ML) journey, it’s common for individual teams in a line of business (LoB) to set up their own ML environments. This provides teams with flexibility in their tooling choices, so they can move fast to meet business objectives. However, a key difference between ML projects and other IT projects is […]