AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Announcements

Actionable Insights based on anomaly detection in AWS X-Ray

Today, we launched in public preview X-Ray Insights, a new feature of AWS X-Ray, which uses anomaly detection to create actionable insights about any anomalies in your application. AWS X-Ray helps developers analyze and debug distributed applications. With this launch, you will be able to proactively identify issues in your applications caused by increases in the […]

Keep up on the latest from AWS Organizations- Summer 2020

This is our second installment of the latest news from AWS Organizations, which allows you to centrally manage and govern your AWS environment across accounts. We have had some exciting launches over the past few months, including new service integrations and Region expansions. Here’s the latest since April 2020: Create a backup policy that applies […]

Write preventive compliance rules for AWS CloudFormation templates the cfn-guard way

Continuous delivery pipelines, combined with infrastructure as code tools like AWS CloudFormation, allow our customers to manage applications in a safe and predictable way. CloudFormation helps customers model and provision their AWS and third-party application resources, with features such as rollback to provide automation and safety. Together with tools such as AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodePipeline, […]

Delegated Administrator for AWS Service Catalog

Simplify sharing your AWS Service Catalog portfolios in an AWS Organizations setup

Note: This is a June 2020 update to the blog post How to set up a multi-region, multi-account catalog of company standard AWS Service Catalog products. Overview I have seen interest in the native infrastructure template sharing capabilities offered by AWS Service Catalog. For example, my customers share AWS Service Catalog portfolios directly to AWS […]

Using AWS Systems Manager Change Calendar to prevent changes during critical events

When applications and their development teams grow or evolve around service-specific independent teams, coordination and visibility among projects, deployments and operational events become a critical issue. AWS customers use multiple AWS accounts for many different reasons, adding guardrails around resources and increasing the need for collaboration between different AWS account owners and teams. Previously, these […]

Create a metric math alarm using Amazon CloudWatch

In 2018 we launched metric math, which enables you to perform calculations across multiple metrics for real-time analysis. You can visualise these computed metrics through the Amazon CloudWatch console, add them to CloudWatch Dashboards, or retrieve through the newly launched GetMetricData API. You can use metric math to derive insights from your existing CloudWatch metrics and […]

Git pre-commit validation of AWS CloudFormation templates with cfn-lint

We’re living in a golden age of AWS CloudFormation tooling. Tools like cfn_nag and taskcat make it easier to treat your infrastructure as code by performing testing and validation before you deploy a single resource into your accounts. In this blog post, I’ll show you how to use linters to validate your CloudFormation templates.

Your AWS CloudFormation guide to re:Invent 2018

There are less than two weeks left until re:Invent 2018. As in years past, AWS CloudFormation will be there, both behind the scenes deploying infrastructure and front-and-center for break-out sessions, workshops, and chalk talks. Here are a few highlights we’ve pulled from the session catalog, followed by the full list of CloudFormation-focused sessions and workshops to help […]