AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

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Using Amazon CloudWatch metrics math to monitor and scale resources

Many applications require monitoring, scaling, and alerting across multiple dimensions. This requirement adds operational complexity for Developer Operations (DevOps) teams, as they must track numerous discrete data points. Instead, you can use Amazon CloudWatch metric math to create composite metrics quickly and easily. In this post, you’ll learn to apply these concepts to monitoring dashboards, […]

Using Business Agility to Unlock Business Value while Migrating to AWS

In a recent article by McKinsey, ” Unlocking value: Four lessons in cloud sourcing and consumption”, enterprises estimate that around 30% of their cloud spend is wasted. Furthermore, approximately 80% of enterprises consider managing cloud spend a challenge. Even though over 70% of enterprises cite optimizing cloud spend as a major goal, it remains an […]

Integrate administrator approval for EC2 Image Builder AMIs using AWS Systems Manager

Building Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) for your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances or Docker containers is a crucial step that will define the baseline for many of your workloads. AWS released a service called EC2 Image Builder (Image Builder) to help you build your pipelines more simply. Customers have different requirements depending on […]

Bulk edit of OpsItems in AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter

In a previous post, we discussed using Operational insights in Systems Manager OpsCenter to help you identify duplicate issues and noisy event sources. However, there are still situations where you will have numerous OpsItems that require updating. Instead of manually editing one-by-one, you can use a nifty feature for bulk editing of Opsitems in AWS […]

Announcing AWS Config Custom Rules using Guard Custom policy

AWS Config lets you evaluate your AWS resources with a desired configuration state using AWS Config Rules. In AWS Config, you can define two types of rules, managed rules and custom rules. Managed rules are AWS provided rules that will evaluate your resources with a predefined configuration state that address some of the most common […]

How to auto add new cross-account Amazon EC2 instances in a central Amazon CloudWatch dashboard

Managing various metrics of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances in multiple accounts can be challenging, especially if new instances are launched regularly. Amazon CloudWatch has a cross-account dashboard functionality that provides you with cross-account visibility to various metrics without having to log in and out of different accounts. In addition, CloudWatch dashboards are […]

Accelerate your migration with version 3 of AWS Cloud Migration Factory

Today, we’re launching the third version of the AWS Cloud Migration Factory (CMF), previously called CloudEndure Migration Factory. The AWS CMF is recommended for customers rehosting more than 100 servers to AWS, providing orchestration and automation capabilities to simplify the migration. This release provides further automation to support your medium and large scale AWS migrations. […]

Automate folder recovery with AWS Systems Manager

Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) snapshots provide you with a mechanism to back-up your critical workloads. There are several ways that you can back up your workloads, including Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager and AWS Backup. You can use Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager to automate the creation, retention, and deletion of Amazon EBS snapshots and Amazon EBS-backed […]

Tracking feature flags in Jira with AWS AppConfig

A key element of agile software development is the team agreeing on the “definition of done.” Before completing a project or feature, the team should document acceptance criteria that must be met to consider the work complete. A project or feature is “done” when all of the acceptance criteria are met and when value is […]

Achieving Operational Excellence using automated playbook and runbook

An important aspect of operational readiness is having a well-defined process to perform activities in your workload for various scenarios as indicated in Question 7 of Operational Excellence pillar in AWS Well-Architected Framework. Which aims at evaluating your workload’s readiness for operation, from process and personnel perspective. In the case of Incident response, a team […]