AWS Cloud Operations Blog

Centralized Dashboard for AWS Config and AWS Security Hub

Back in July 2022, we announced AWS config compliance scores for conformance packs which helps you quantify your compliance posture as an Amazon CloudWatch metric. It’s a quantitative measure of compliance status. While customers can have hundreds of AWS accounts where AWS Config is enabled and each account and each AWS Region have a different compliance score. While we can currently track the compliance status with an aggregated score, it is important to look at compliance scores for every account and every region to check the progress made by every team.

AWS Security Hub provides you with a comprehensive view of your security state in AWS and helps you assess your AWS environment against security industry standards and best practices. AWS Security Hub uses service-linked rules from AWS Config to run security checks for most controls. Security Hub also displays a security score from 0–100 percent for each enabled standard.

In this blog post, we will show you how you can create Amazon CloudWatch Dashboard using a custom metric to have a centralized dashboard for monitoring multi-account , multi-Region compliance scores for AWS Config and also for AWS Security Hub.


Solution Architecture


To utilize our solution, you need the following tools:

  • AWS CLI – Install the AWS CLI
  • SAM CLI – Install the SAM CLI. The Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (SAM CLI) is an extension of the AWS CLI that adds functionality for building and testing Lambda applications.
  • Python 3.8 – Install Python

Download the solution

git clone

The application has 2 directories:

  • aws_status_check_app – A SAM Application with AWS Lambda functions and AWS CloudFormation Template (template.yaml) to deploy the resources by using SAM CLI. This application is deployed in the AWS Organization management account.
  • StacksetCFTemplate – This directory contains an AWS CloudFormation StackSet templatefile that defines the IAM Role and IAM Policy deployed on the member accounts. This IAM Policy and IAM Role is necessary on the member accounts for the application to assumeRole and gather AWS service status.

How to build and deploy this application

  1. Build the application with the sam build command after navigating into the aws_status_check_app directory.
  2. cd aws_status_check_app
    sam build

    Sample Output:

    aws_status_check_app$ sam build
    Building codeuri: /local/home/sundjega/centraldashboard/aws-centralized-dashboard-config-securityhub/aws_status_check_app/aws_status_check runtime: python3.8 metadata: {} architecture: x86_64 functions: ManagerFunction, WorkerFunction
    Running PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies
    Running PythonPipBuilder:CopySource
    Build Succeeded
    Built Artifacts  : .aws-sam/build
    Built Template   : .aws-sam/build/template.yaml
    Commands you can use next
    [*] Validate SAM template: sam validate
    [*] Invoke Function: sam local invoke
    [*] Test Function in the Cloud: sam sync --stack-name {{stack-name}} --watch
    [*] Deploy: sam deploy --guided
  3. This second command will package and deploy your application to AWS, with a series of prompts:
  4. sam deploy --guided --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
  5. Stack Name: aws-status-check-app
  6. AWS Region: – AWS Region where this solution will be deployed.
  7. Parameter CheckFrequencyInterval – This parameter defines how often the Lambda function executes to check for the AWS Config status. Allowed Values are “rate(1 day)”, “rate(12 hours)”, “rate(6 hours)”, “rate(3 hours)”, “rate(1 hour)”.
  8. Parameter CheckAllAccountsinOrgCondition – If set to true, MemberAccountIds Parameter is ignored, and the application checks the status of AWS Config in all accounts/regions across the AWS Organization. If set to false, proceed to setting the MemberAccountIds parameter. Allowed values are “true” or “false”.
  9. Parameter MemberAccountIds – If parameter CheckAllAccountsinOrgCondition is set to false, enter a comma separated list of AWS account ids where you want the application to check for AWS Config Status. Leave this parameter to its default value, if you set CheckAllAccountsinOrgCondition to true. [Eg: 12345634344,434345555333,455454545324]
  10. Confirm changes before deploy: If set to yes, any change sets will be shown to you before execution for manual review. If set to no, the AWS SAM CLI will automatically deploy application changes.
  11. Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation: To deploy this application’s AWS CloudFormation stack which creates or modifies IAM roles, the CAPABILITY_IAM value for capabilities must be provided. If permission isn’t provided through this prompt, to deploy this example you must explicitly pass --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM to the sam deploy command.
  12. Save arguments to samconfig.toml: If set to yes, your choices will be saved to a configuration file inside the project, so that in the future you can just re-run sam deploy without parameters to deploy changes to your application.
  13. sample output:

    aws_status_check_app$ sam deploy --guided --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
    Configuring SAM deploy
            Looking for config file [samconfig.toml] :  Not found
            Setting default arguments for 'sam deploy'
            Stack Name [sam-app]: aws-status-check-app
            AWS Region [us-east-1]: us-east-2
            Parameter CheckFrequencyMins [rate(1 day)]: rate(1 day)
            Parameter CheckAllAccountsinOrgCondition [true]:
            Parameter MemberAccountIds [IGNORE,IF,CheckAllAccountsinOrg,TRUE]:
            #Shows you resources changes to be deployed and require a 'Y' to initiate deploy
            Confirm changes before deploy [y/N]: y
            #SAM needs permission to be able to create roles to connect to the resources in your template
            Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation [Y/n]: Y
            #Preserves the state of previously provisioned resources when an operation fails
            Disable rollback [y/N]: y
            Save arguments to configuration file [Y/n]: Y
            SAM configuration file [samconfig.toml]:
            SAM configuration environment [default]:
            Looking for resources needed for deployment:
            Managed S3 bucket: aws-sam-cli-managed-default-samclisourcebucket-1bctiwbckuz4w
            A different default S3 bucket can be set in samconfig.toml and auto resolution of buckets turned off by setting resolve_s3=False
            Saved arguments to config file
            Running 'sam deploy' for future deployments will use the parameters saved above.
            The above parameters can be changed by modifying samconfig.toml
            Learn more about samconfig.toml syntax at
            Uploading to aws-status-check-app/260bddab803770c56a539cca40ce28d9  4509 / 4509  (100.00%)
    File with same data already exists at aws-status-check-app/260bddab803770c56a539cca40ce28d9, skipping upload
            Deploying with following values
            Stack name                   : aws-status-check-app
            Region                       : us-east-2
            Confirm changeset            : True
            Disable rollback             : True
            Deployment s3 bucket         : aws-sam-cli-managed-default-samclisourcebucket-1bctiwbckuz4w
            Capabilities                 : ["CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM"]
            Parameter overrides          : {"CheckFrequencyMins": "rate(1 day)", "CheckAllAccountsinOrgCondition": "true", "MemberAccountIds": "IGNORE,IF,CheckAllAccountsinOrg,TRUE"}
            Signing Profiles             : {}
    Initiating deployment
            Uploading to aws-status-check-app/752cc090fa93293635f6b8f07888fe5a.template  7794 / 7794  (100.00%)
    Waiting for changeset to be created..
    CloudFormation stack changeset
    Operation                                                                           LogicalResourceId                                                                   ResourceType                                                                        Replacement
    + Add                                                                               AppFunctionPolicy                                                                   AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy                                                             N/A
    + Add                                                                               AppFunctionRole                                                                     AWS::IAM::Role                                                                      N/A
    + Add                                                                               AssumedFunctionRole                                                                 AWS::IAM::Role                                                                      N/A
    + Add                                                                               CheckAllAccountsinOrgParameter                                                      AWS::SSM::Parameter                                                                 N/A
    + Add                                                                               ConfigAccountsParameter                                                             AWS::SSM::Parameter                                                                 N/A
    + Add                                                                               ManagerFunctionLogGroup                                                             AWS::Logs::LogGroup                                                                 N/A
    + Add                                                                               ManagerFunctionScheduledRule                                                        AWS::Events::Rule                                                                   N/A
    + Add                                                                               ManagerFunction                                                                     AWS::Lambda::Function                                                               N/A
    + Add                                                                               PermissionForEventsToInvokeLambda1                                                  AWS::Lambda::Permission                                                             N/A
    + Add                                                                               PermissionForEventsToInvokeLambda2                                                  AWS::Lambda::Permission                                                             N/A
    + Add                                                                               WorkerFunctionLogGroup                                                              AWS::Logs::LogGroup                                                                 N/A
    + Add                                                                               WorkerFunctionRule                                                                  AWS::Events::Rule                                                                   N/A
    + Add                                                                               WorkerFunction                                                                      AWS::Lambda::Function                                                               N/A
    Changeset created successfully. arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-2:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:changeSet/samcli-deploy1690484417/bbcba1ce-e8ca-4ecc-b1a6-b12beca2aaa2
    Previewing CloudFormation changeset before deployment
    Deploy this changeset? [y/N]: y
    2023-07-27 19:00:26 - Waiting for stack create/update to complete
    CloudFormation events from stack operations (refresh every 5.0 seconds)
    ResourceStatus                                                                      ResourceType                                                                        LogicalResourceId                                                                   ResourceStatusReason
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy                                                             AppFunctionPolicy                                                                   -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::SSM::Parameter                                                                 ConfigAccountsParameter                                                             -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::Logs::LogGroup                                                                 WorkerFunctionLogGroup                                                              -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::SSM::Parameter                                                                 CheckAllAccountsinOrgParameter                                                      -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::Logs::LogGroup                                                                 ManagerFunctionLogGroup                                                             -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy                                                             AppFunctionPolicy                                                                   Resource creation Initiated
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::SSM::Parameter                                                                 ConfigAccountsParameter                                                             Resource creation Initiated
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::Logs::LogGroup                                                                 WorkerFunctionLogGroup                                                              Resource creation Initiated
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::SSM::Parameter                                                                 CheckAllAccountsinOrgParameter                                                      Resource creation Initiated
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::Logs::LogGroup                                                                 ManagerFunctionLogGroup                                                             Resource creation Initiated
    CREATE_COMPLETE                                                                     AWS::Logs::LogGroup                                                                 WorkerFunctionLogGroup                                                              -
    CREATE_COMPLETE                                                                     AWS::SSM::Parameter                                                                 ConfigAccountsParameter                                                             -
    CREATE_COMPLETE                                                                     AWS::Logs::LogGroup                                                                 ManagerFunctionLogGroup                                                             -
    CREATE_COMPLETE                                                                     AWS::SSM::Parameter                                                                 CheckAllAccountsinOrgParameter                                                      -
    CREATE_COMPLETE                                                                     AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy                                                             AppFunctionPolicy                                                                   -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::IAM::Role                                                                      AppFunctionRole                                                                     -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::IAM::Role                                                                      AssumedFunctionRole                                                                 -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::IAM::Role                                                                      AppFunctionRole                                                                     Resource creation Initiated
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::IAM::Role                                                                      AssumedFunctionRole                                                                 Resource creation Initiated
    CREATE_COMPLETE                                                                     AWS::IAM::Role                                                                      AssumedFunctionRole                                                                 -
    CREATE_COMPLETE                                                                     AWS::IAM::Role                                                                      AppFunctionRole                                                                     -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::Lambda::Function                                                               WorkerFunction                                                                      -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::Lambda::Function                                                               ManagerFunction                                                                     -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::Lambda::Function                                                               WorkerFunction                                                                      Resource creation Initiated
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::Lambda::Function                                                               ManagerFunction                                                                     Resource creation Initiated
    CREATE_COMPLETE                                                                     AWS::Lambda::Function                                                               WorkerFunction                                                                      -
    CREATE_COMPLETE                                                                     AWS::Lambda::Function                                                               ManagerFunction                                                                     -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::Events::Rule                                                                   WorkerFunctionRule                                                                  -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::Events::Rule                                                                   ManagerFunctionScheduledRule                                                        -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::Events::Rule                                                                   ManagerFunctionScheduledRule                                                        Resource creation Initiated
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::Events::Rule                                                                   WorkerFunctionRule                                                                  Resource creation Initiated
    CREATE_COMPLETE                                                                     AWS::Events::Rule                                                                   ManagerFunctionScheduledRule                                                        -
    CREATE_COMPLETE                                                                     AWS::Events::Rule                                                                   WorkerFunctionRule                                                                  -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::Lambda::Permission                                                             PermissionForEventsToInvokeLambda1                                                  -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::Lambda::Permission                                                             PermissionForEventsToInvokeLambda2                                                  -
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::Lambda::Permission                                                             PermissionForEventsToInvokeLambda1                                                  Resource creation Initiated
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                                                  AWS::Lambda::Permission                                                             PermissionForEventsToInvokeLambda2                                                  Resource creation Initiated
    CREATE_COMPLETE                                                                     AWS::Lambda::Permission                                                             PermissionForEventsToInvokeLambda1                                                  -
    CREATE_COMPLETE                                                                     AWS::Lambda::Permission                                                             PermissionForEventsToInvokeLambda2                                                  -
    CREATE_COMPLETE                                                                     AWS::CloudFormation::Stack                                                          aws-status-check-app                                                                -
    CloudFormation outputs from deployed stack
    Key                 ManagerFunctionARN
    Description         ManagerFunction ARN
    Value               arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:function:aws-status-check-app-ManagerFunction-oXx2fvZGftLJ
    Key                 WorkerFunctionARN
    Description         WorkerFunction ARN
    Value               arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:function:aws-status-check-app-WorkerFunction-HBY2theGkFFj
    Successfully created/updated stack - aws-status-check-app in us-east-2
  14. Create an AWS CloudFormation StackSet using AWS CLI. Make sure you have the required permissions for stack sets operations. Provide the AWS management account ID where this StackSet will be deployed
  15. cd ../StacksetCFTemplate
    aws cloudformation create-stack-set \
        --description "role/policies for aws config checker" \
        --stack-set-name aws-status-checker-stackset \
        --template-body file://stacksettemplate.yml \
        --permission-model SERVICE_MANAGED \
        --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
        --parameters ParameterKey=AdministratorAccountId,ParameterValue=<AWS_ManagementAccountId> \
        --auto-deployment Enabled=true,RetainStacksOnAccountRemoval=false

    sample output:

    aws cloudformation create-stack-set \
    >     --description "role/policies for aws config checker" \
    >     --stack-set-name aws-status-checker-stackset \
    >     --template-body file://stacksettemplate.yml \
    >     --permission-model SERVICE_MANAGED \
    >     --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
    >     --parameters ParameterKey=AdministratorAccountId,ParameterValue=xxxxxxxxxx \
    >     --auto-deployment Enabled=true,RetainStacksOnAccountRemoval=false
        "StackSetId": "aws-config-checker-stackset:273c07d1-c7ab-4e6c-b388-0f6e2263c400"
  16. Create an AWS CloudFormation Stack Instances by using AWS CLI. Provide the OrganizationalUnitIds of the member accounts to which the stack instances are deployed.
  17. aws cloudformation create-stack-instances \
        --deployment-targets OrganizationalUnitIds=[Organizational_Unit_Ids] \
        --stack-set-name aws-status-checker-stackset --regions us-east-2 

    sample output:

    StacksetCFTemplate$ aws cloudformation create-stack-instances \
    >     --deployment-targets OrganizationalUnitIds=r-xxxx \
    >     --stack-set-name aws-status-checker-stackset --regions us-east-2
        "OperationId": "1e740a93-e980-44e0-a4d6-6747384dab2f"

Troubleshooting the Lambda function

    In order to simplify troubleshooting, SAM CLI has a command called sam logs. sam logs lets you fetch logs generated by your deployed Lambda function from the command line. In addition to printing the logs on the terminal, this command has several useful features to help you quickly find the bug.
sam logs -n WorkerFunction --stack-name aws-status-check-app --tail
sam logs -n ManagerFunction --stack-name aws-status-check-app --tail

Create CloudWatch Dashboard using custom metrics

  1. After a few minutes, log in to the Amazon CloudWatch console to view custom metrics under the Custom namespace named CustomMetrics/Config and CustomMetrics/SecurityHub.
  2. Amazon CloudWatch Console Screenshot showing custom metrics generated by the solution

  3. Follow the steps here to create CloudWatch dashboard from custom metrics. Below is the sample centralized dashboard for compliance scores and Security Hub security score.
  4. Amazon CloudWatch Dashboard showing the AWS Config compliance scores and Security Hub security Score


  1. To delete the awsstatuscheck application that you created, use the SAM CLI.
  2. sam delete

    sample output:

    aws_status_check_app $ sam delete
            Are you sure you want to delete the stack aws-status-checker-stackset in the region us-east-2 ? [y/N]: y
            Are you sure you want to delete the folder aws-status-check-app in S3 which contains the artifacts? [y/N]: y
            - Deleting S3 object with key aws-status-check-app/aca923a2899ecef9bb25fc9d708b2067
            - Could not find and delete the S3 object with the key aws-status-check-app/aca923a2899ecef9bb25fc9d708b2067
            - Deleting S3 object with key aws-status-check-app/23b0a7ffd14c825f099b0d67a2d1ae18.template
            - Deleting S3 object with key aws-status-check-app/26d62b2b9477b02ff57126cd6a59be0b.template
            - Deleting S3 object with key aws-status-check-app/938f74b20506773321240e7555ac4910.template
            - Deleting S3 object with key aws-status-check-app/93c76ece26e084135707d1b4b26f053b.template
            - Deleting S3 object with key aws-status-check-app/b93be3ce737bcac83d43d92246689245.template
            - Deleting S3 object with key aws-status-check-app/f81beb0c1361619d6542ef6017556482.template
            - Deleting Cloudformation stack aws-status-check-app
    Deleted successfully
  3. Delete the Stack Instances from AWS CloudFormation StackSet using AWS CLI.
  4. aws cloudformation delete-stack-instances --stack-set-name aws-status-checker-stackset --regions us-east-2 --no-retain-stacks --deployment-targets OrganizationalUnitIds=[Organizational_Unit_Ids] 
  5. Wait for Step 2 to finish. Then, delete the AWS CloudFormation StackSet using AWS CLI.
  6. aws cloudformation delete-stack-set --stack-set-name aws-status-checker-stackset


    In this blog post, we showed you how to create custom metrics to create a centralized dashboard for monitoring multi-account, multi-Region compliance scores for AWS Config and also for AWS Security hub. We further used these custom metrics to create a centralized security dashboard using Amazon CloudWatch dashboard.

About the authors

Picture of author Jegan Sundarapandian

Jegan Sundarapandian

Jegan Sundarapandian is a Sr. Technical Account Manager with AWS. He works with AWS Customers to implement AWS best practices and keep them operationally healthy and secure.

Picture of the author Snehal Nahar

Snehal Nahar

Snehal Nahar is a Sr.Technical Account Manager (Security Specialist) with AWS in Charlotte, North Carolina. She is passionate about building innovative solutions using AWS services to help customers achieve their business objectives. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, playing board games and watching TV.