AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Tag: Amazon CloudWatch Dashboards

Announcing Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights for Amazon EKS Windows Workloads Monitoring

Monitoring containerized applications requires precision and efficiency. As your applications scale, collecting and summarizing application and infrastructure metrics from your applications can be challenging. One way to handle this challenge is using Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights which is a single-click native monitoring tool provided by AWS. Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights helps customers collect, aggregate, and summarize […]

Automate creation of Amazon CloudWatch alarms and dashboards with AWS Systems Manager and Ansible

Automate creation of Amazon CloudWatch alarms and dashboards with AWS Systems Manager and Ansible

Monitoring Amazon EC2 instances is critical to proactively identify any underlying issues or to troubleshoot the performance of the instances. Amazon CloudWatch provides a reliable, scalable, and flexible monitoring solution. Customers running EC2 instances in a self-managed environment typically use Amazon CloudWatch metrics to monitor the performance of their instances and set up alarms for […]

How to use the AWS Resilience Hub score

Time to read 10 minutes Time to complete 1 hour Cost to complete $15 per day (WordPress Multi-AZ application, AWS ResilienceHub Application and recommendations Learning level 200 – Intermediate Services used AWS ResilienceHub, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon CloudWatch, AWS Fault Injection Simulator AWS Resilience Hub provides a central place to define, validate, and track the resiliency […]

Using Amazon CloudWatch dashboards custom widgets

Many of our customers use Amazon CloudWatch dashboards but have additional use cases that would benefit from the ability to include custom datasets in their existing dashboards. Custom widgets let you create your own visualizations or datasets, share them with other teams, provide input or parameters to your widget, and adjust the time scoped on […]