Networking & Content Delivery

Category: Amazon CloudFront

Improve your website performance with Amazon CloudFront

For consumer-facing websites, the speed at which the site loads directly impacts the user’s browsing experience and the success of your business. If your website takes a long time to load, your users might abandon it before completing their transaction, affecting your revenue. You can use a content delivery network (CDN) like Amazon CloudFront to […]

Using multiple content delivery networks for video streaming – part 2

If you are reading part two of this two-part blog series, it probably means that you operate a video streaming service for millions of viewers, with high sensitivity to performance, and you are considering multiple CDNs for your video delivery. In this part, I will guide you through important questions to consider when deploying a […]

Handling Redirects@Edge Part 2

In continuation with our series on Handling Redirects@Edge, in this blog post, we will explore how you can leverage Amazon CloudFront, Lambda@Edge and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) to offload the origin from URL redirection with more advanced capabilities. As part of this solution, we offer a simple custom-built user interface to define and manage […]

Accelerating WordPress with CloudFront using the AWS for WordPress Plugin

AWS for WordPress WordPress is a technological marvel in the number of internet sites it powers and the momentum with which developers actively contribute to the community. Recent estimates put WordPress at powering more than 34% of internet sites, and more than 50,000 plugins are available through covering everything from security enhancements to SEO […]

Using multiple content delivery networks for video streaming – part 1

Introduction Today, viewing video content is a prevalent form of online activity whether in entertainment, education, marketing, or information. For example, as a Solutions Architect at AWS, I tend to watch hours of video a week to learn about technologies, and I also leverage video content to convey ideas and best practices in a scalable […]

Generating dynamic error responses in Amazon CloudFront with Lambda@Edge

Amazon CloudFront allows you to create custom error pages for specific HTTP status codes and to change response codes. CloudFront also offers origin failover capability, with which you can easily set up failover logic between combinations of AWS origins or non-AWS custom HTTP origins. This creates minimal interruption in your viewer’s experience. However, while these […]

Authorization@Edge using cookies: Protect your Amazon CloudFront content from being downloaded by unauthenticated users

Enterprise customers who host private web apps on Amazon CloudFront may struggle with a challenge: how to prevent unauthenticated users from downloading the web app’s source code (for example, React, Angular, or Vue). In a separate blog post, you can learn one way to provide that security using Amazon Lambda@Edge and Amazon Cognito, with an example […]

TCP BBR Congestion Control with Amazon CloudFront

One of the fundamental value propositions of a content delivery network (CDN) is performance.  Two of the key aspects of great performance are latency and throughput: that is, delivering a large volume of bits quickly and consistently.  These attributes play a critical role in content delivery of all kinds, from video streams to API calls.  […]

Leveraging external data in Lambda@Edge

Introduction Lambda@Edge is a feature of Amazon CloudFront that allows developers to implement custom logic for manipulating HTTP request/response exchanges or generating responses on the fly with low latency. Lambda@Edge empowers our customers with a full programming language (Node.js) to implement advanced logic. Learn more at edge networking with AWS. While customers often write stateless […]