AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: datasets

Teaching the Allen Brain Observatory: technical challenges, cloud solutions

The mission of the Allen Institute for Brain Science is to accelerate our understanding of how the human brain works in health and disease. As part of this mission, scientists collect massive amounts of data, which is publicly released to help accelerate research in the field of neuroscience. Massive datasets can be challenging to share, so the Allen Institute uses AWS to share them around the world.

The Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative: Driving sustainability innovation with open data and cloud technology

Amazon today announced the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative to promote sustainability research, innovation, and problem solving by making key data easily accessible and even more widely available. The Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative leverages Amazon Web Services’ technology and scalable infrastructure to stage, analyze, and distribute data, and is a joint effort between the AWS Open Data and Amazon Sustainability teams.

The ERA5 Reanalysis Dataset Provides a Sharper View on Past Weather

Reanalysis is the term for using modern-day technology to analyze weather data from the past. By doing so, meteorologists and climatologists can produce a more accurate analysis of previous weather conditions, which is important for climate change research. The European Centre of Medium Range Forecasts (ECMWF) is producing its latest reanalysis dataset, called ERA5. Recently, Chris Kalima and his team at Intertrust, in conjunction with the AWS Public Datasets Program, have been working to bring the ERA5 data to AWS.

Q&A: Open990 and How to Access Financial Indicators from Nonprofits

Last year, we shared a post about the Nonprofit Open Data Collective and how a consortium of nonprofits and researchers came together to make the data from the IRS’s 990 filings easier to work with. As a follow-up, we spoke with David Borenstein, one of the driving forces behind the Nonprofit Open Data Collective, about his new project: Open990.

The Opioid Council: Public Health Leaders Address Addiction

To kick off the AWS Opioid Crisis Council’s inaugural meeting, AWS public health leader, Michael Jackson, convened a panel of healthcare experts at the AWS Public Sector Summit in Washington, DC. Government health officials, research scientists, pharmacy executives, and industry pioneers examined proposed solutions with open data, and shared ideas for attacking this complex issue. All stakeholders rallied around a common customer: our community.

The Rise of the Chief Data Officer as a Data Leader

As organizations increasingly rely on data to accomplish their goals, they are adding a new role in order to balance expertise in statistics, policy, management, leadership, and rapidly evolving technology: the chief data officer (CDO). Although individuals with the same set of responsibilities may hold many titles, there has been a rapid growth in the role of the CDO in recent years.

Announcing Registry of Open Data on AWS

We are excited to announce the launch of the Registry of Open Data on AWS (RODA). With RODA, you can find and share data staged publicly for analysis on AWS. Search for datasets by keyword and tags for common types of data, such as genomic, satellite imagery, and transportation, on a simple web interface. Every dataset listed in RODA includes basic information about the data, how to access it on AWS, its license, a link to documentation, and contact information if you have questions. Many listings also include links to tutorials or applications that make use of the data.

Develop and extract value from open data

In this blog post, we explore a use case for government organizations using the OpenStreetMap (OSM) dataset, a free, editable map of the world, created and maintained by volunteers and available for use with an open license. Using open source tools, we generate and render custom maps for a government’s digital property. By leveraging Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon ECS, and multi-tiered architectures, map tiles server can run in an efficient and highly available infrastructure.