AWS Quantum Technologies Blog

Tag: Xanadu

Explore quantum computational advantage with Xanadu’s Borealis device on Amazon Braket

Today, we are excited to launch Borealis, a new quantum processing unit (QPU) on Amazon Braket. Borealis – a special-purpose QPU built by Xanadu – is the first publicly available quantum computer with a claim to quantum computational advantage (sometimes referred to as quantum supremacy or quantum advantage) in a peer-reviewed study. With this launch, […]

QHack 2022 logo with black bird and quantum circuits as guitar strings

QHack 2022 highlights and Amazon Braket Challenge winners announced

Over 3200 developers from across the PennyLane community came together to deliver impactful and creative solutions to quantum computing challenges during the virtual QHack event held February 14-25. Participants joined from 105 countries worldwide, from the high school level all the way through PhDs and professionals. AWS sponsored QHack for the second consecutive year, after […]

Working with PennyLane for variational quantum algorithms and quantum machine learning

The field of quantum computing today resembles the state of machine learning a few decades ago – in many ways. Near-term quantum algorithms for optimization, computational chemistry, and other applications are based on the very same principles that are used to train a neural network. In machine learning, there was no theoretical proof that a […]