AWS Security Blog

Easily Tag Amazon EC2 Instances and Amazon EBS Volumes on Creation

In 2010, AWS launched resource tagging for Amazon EC2 instances and other EC2 resources. Since that launch, we have raised the allowable number of tags per resource from 10 to 50 and made tags more useful with the introduction of resource groups and Tag Editor. AWS customers use tags to track ownership, drive their cost accounting processes, implement compliance protocols, and control access to resources via AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies.

The AWS tagging model provides separate functions for resource creation and resource tagging. Though this is flexible and has worked well for many of our users, it does result in a small time window when the resources exist in an untagged state. Using two separate functions means that it is possible for resource creation to succeed and tagging to fail, which would leave resources in an untagged state.

New this week, we have made tagging more flexible and more useful, with four new features:

  • Tag on creation – You can now specify tags for EC2 instances and Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes as part of the API call that creates the resources.
  • Enforced tag usage – You can now write IAM policies that mandate the use of specific tags on EC2 instances and EBS volumes.
  • Resource-level permissions – By popular request, the CreateTags and DeleteTags functions now support IAM’s resource-level permissions.
  • Enforced volume encryption – You can now write IAM policies that mandate the use of encryption for newly created EBS volumes.

To learn more, see the full blog post on the AWS Blog.

– Craig