AWS Security Blog

Tag: Announcements

New Whitepaper: AWS Cloud Security Best Practices

November 3, 2020: This blog is out of date. Please refer to this post for updated info: Introducing the AWS Best Practices for Security, Identity, & Compliance Webpage and Customer Polling Feature We have just published an updated version of our AWS Security Best Practices whitepaper. You wanted us to provide a holistic and familiar […]

AWS CloudFormation Now Supports Federated Users and Temporary Security Credentials

Today AWS CloudFormation released added support for  temporary security credentials provided by the AWS Security Token Service.  This release enables a number of scenarios such as federated users being able to use CloudFormation from the AWS Management Console and authorizing Amazon EC2 instances with IAM roles to call CloudFormation APIs.  To learn more about this new […]

Security Sessions at re:Invent 2013

AWS re:Invent 2013, AWS’s second annual conference for developers and technical leaders, is less than a month away.  We have some great sessions and activities lined up to ensure that content quality is high and that your questions are answered. Update (20 May 2014): For links to the session videos and slide presentations from AWS […]

CloudBerry Active Directory Bridge for Authenticating non-AWS AD Users to S3

One of the benefits of AWS is the highly available, durable, and practically unlimited cloud-based storage you can get with Amazon Simple Storage Services (Amazon S3).  Over two trillion objects are already stored in S3 and customers are always finding more creative uses for S3.  One of the more commonly requested use cases is how […]

Announcement: Resource Permissions for additional EC2 API actions

Yesterday AWS announced that it now supports resource-level permissions for seven additional EC2 APIs, including: DeleteNetworkAcl DeleteNetworkAclEntry DeleteRoute DeleteRouteTable DeleteDhcpOptions DeleteInternetGateway DeleteCustomerGateway As with other EC2 API actions that support resource-level permissions, you can also construct policies based on the tags associated with the resources.  To learn more, go to either our recent post on […]

Enable Single Sign-On to the AWS Management Console via Shibboleth

<Repost from AWS Blog, here in its entirety> One of the most powerful features of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is its ability to issue temporary security credentials and grant controlled access to people in a network without having to define individual identities for each user (i.e., identity federation). This enables customers to extend their existing authentication […]

Important Notification About Your AWS Virtual MFA Device

** Update:  the Google Autenticator application for iOS has been updated and now available from Apple’s App Store.  It no longer has an issue of potentially losing existing AWS MFA tokens as reported in this post. Do you use Google Authenticator for iOS for AWS MFA? If so, then read this! If you use Google […]

Jeff Barr Talks with Symplified About Identity Federation and SSO

Jeff Barr, AWS’s chief evangelist, recently did an AWS Report interview with Symplified’s CTO and co-founder Darren Plat covering identity federation and single sign-on to cloud-based apps.  The interview goes into depth about the need for identity federation services in the cloud and how Symplified implemented their offering for AWS services. You can watch the […]

2013 PCI Compliance Package Available Now

We’re happy to announce the availability of the 2013 PCI Compliance Package. Along with the AWS PCI Attestation of Compliance, this package includes our independent assessor’s revised and expanded PCI Customer Responsibility Matrix, which describes the customer and AWS shared responsibility for each of the 200+ PCI Data Security Standard controls. This document will help […]