AWS Security Blog

Tag: AWS IAM role

How to enforce creation of roles in a specific path: Use IAM role naming in hierarchy models

An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role is an IAM identity that you create in your AWS account that has specific permissions. An IAM role is similar to an IAM user because it’s an AWS identity with permission policies that determine what the identity can and cannot do on AWS. However, as outlined in […]

Easily control the naming of individual IAM role sessions

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) now has a new sts:RoleSessionName condition element for the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS), that makes it easy for AWS account administrators to control the naming of individual IAM role sessions. IAM roles help you grant access to AWS services and resources by using dynamically generated short-term credentials. […]

Create fine-grained session permissions using IAM managed policies

As a security best practice, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) recommends that you use temporary security credentials from AWS Security Token Service (STS) when you access your AWS resources. Temporary credentials are short-term credentials generated dynamically and provided to the user upon request. Today, one of the most widely used mechanisms for requesting temporary […]