AWS Security Blog

Tag: Compliance

How to think about cloud security governance

When customers first move to the cloud, their instinct might be to build a cloud security governance model based on one or more regulatory frameworks that are relevant to their industry. Although this can be a helpful first step, it’s also critically important that organizations understand what the control objectives for their workloads should be. […]

Learn and use 13 AWS security tools to implement SEC recommended protection of stored customer data in the cloud

Most businesses collect, process, and store sensitive customer data that needs to be secured to earn customer trust and protect customers against abuses. Regulated businesses must prove they meet guidelines established by regulatory bodies. As an example, in the capital markets, broker-dealers and investment advisors must demonstrate they address the guidelines proposed by the Office […]

Use AWS Fargate and Prowler to send security configuration findings about AWS services to Security Hub

May 3, 2021: Since the author wrote this post, Security Hub has launched native features that simplify integration with Prowler as a findings provider. Therefore, Security Hub native integration with Prowler is now the recommended solution for sending findings from Prowler. For more information, see the Prowler documentation. In this blog post, I’ll show you […]

Introducing the “Preparing for the California Consumer Privacy Act” whitepaper

AWS has published a whitepaper, Preparing for the California Consumer Protection Act, to provide guidance on designing and updating your cloud architecture to follow the requirements of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which goes into effect on January 1, 2020. The whitepaper is intended for engineers and solution builders, but it also serves as […]

Scaling a governance, risk, and compliance program for the cloud, emerging technologies, and innovation

April 25, 2023: We’ve updated this blog post to include more security learning resources. Governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) programs are sometimes looked upon as the bureaucracy getting in the way of exciting cybersecurity work. But a good GRC program establishes the foundation for meeting security and compliance objectives. It is the proactive approach to […]

AWS Compliance Center for financial services now available

On Tuesday, September 4, AWS announced the launch of an AWS Compliance Center for our Financial Services (FS) customers. This addition to our compliance offerings gives you a central location to research cloud-related regulatory requirements that impact the financial services industry. Prior to the launch of the AWS Compliance Center, customers preparing to adopt AWS […]

How to use AWS Secrets Manager to rotate credentials for all Amazon RDS database types, including Oracle

August 31, 2021: AWS KMS is replacing the term customer master key (CMK) with AWS KMS key and KMS key. The concept has not changed. To prevent breaking changes, AWS KMS is keeping some variations of this term. More info. You can now use AWS Secrets Manager to rotate credentials for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, […]

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis now PCI DSS compliant, allowing you to process sensitive payment card data in-memory for faster performance

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis has achieved the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). This means that you can now use ElastiCache for Redis for low-latency and high-throughput in-memory processing of sensitive payment card data, such as Customer Cardholder Data (CHD). ElastiCache for Redis is a Redis-compatible, fully-managed, in-memory data store and caching service […]

How to connect to AWS Secrets Manager service within a Virtual Private Cloud

You can now use AWS Secrets Manager with Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) endpoints powered by AWS Privatelink and keep traffic between your VPC and Secrets Manager within the AWS network. AWS Secrets Manager is a secrets management service that helps you protect access to your applications, services, and IT resources. This service enables […]

New PCI DSS report now available, eight services added in scope

We continue to expand the scope of our assurance programs to support your most important workloads. I’m pleased to tell you that eight services have been added to the scope of our Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) certification. With these additions, you can now select from a total of 62 PCI-compliant services. […]