AWS Security Blog

Tag: Security

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Customer Compliance Guides now available on AWS Artifact

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has released Customer Compliance Guides (CCGs) to support customers, partners, and auditors in their understanding of how compliance requirements from leading frameworks map to AWS service security recommendations. CCGs cover 100+ services and features offering security guidance mapped to 10 different compliance frameworks. Customers can select any of the available frameworks and services […]

Updated AWS Ramp-Up Guide available for security, identity, and compliance

Updated AWS Ramp-Up Guide available for security, identity, and compliance

To support our customers in securing their Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment, AWS offers digital training, whitepapers, blog posts, videos, workshops, and documentation to learn about security in the cloud. The AWS Ramp-Up Guide: Security is designed to help you quickly learn what is most important to you when it comes to security, identity, and […]

New eBook: 5 Keys to Secure Enterprise Messaging

AWS is excited to announce a new eBook, 5 Keys to Secure Enterprise Messaging. The new eBook includes best practices for addressing the security and compliance risks associated with messaging apps. An estimated 3.09 billion mobile phone users access messaging apps to communicate, and this figure is projected to grow to 3.51 billion users in […]

Announcing the AWS Blueprint for Ransomware Defense

In this post, Amazon Web Services (AWS) introduces the AWS Blueprint for Ransomware Defense, a new resource that both enterprise and public sector organizations can use to implement preventative measures to protect data from ransomware events. The AWS Blueprint for Ransomware Defense provides a mapping of AWS services and features as they align to aspects […]

A walk through AWS Verified Access policies

A walk through AWS Verified Access policies

AWS Verified Access helps improve your organization’s security posture by using security trust providers to grant access to applications. This service grants access to applications only when the user’s identity and the user’s device meet configured security requirements. In this blog post, we will provide an overview of trust providers and policies, then walk through […]

Get details on security finding changes with the new Finding History feature in Security Hub

Get details on security finding changes with the new Finding History feature in Security Hub

In today’s evolving security threat landscape, security teams increasingly require tools to detect and track security findings to protect their organizations’ assets. One objective of cloud security posture management is to identify and address security findings in a timely and effective manner. AWS Security Hub aggregates, organizes, and prioritizes security alerts and findings from various […]

Amazon Cognito and AWS WAF diagram

Protect your Amazon Cognito user pool with AWS WAF

September 8, 2023: It’s important to know that if you activate user sign-up in your user pool, anyone on the internet can sign up for an account and sign in to your apps. Don’t enable self-registration in your user pool unless you want to open your app to allow users to sign up. Many of […]

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How to prioritize IAM Access Analyzer findings

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer is an important tool in your journey towards least privilege access. You can use IAM Access Analyzer access previews to preview and validate public and cross-account access before deploying permissions changes in your environment. For the permissions already in place, one of IAM Access Analyzer’s capabilities is that […]

Scaling security and compliance

At Amazon Web Services (AWS), we move fast and continually iterate to meet the evolving needs of our customers. We design services that can help our customers meet even the most stringent security and compliance requirements. Additionally, our service teams work closely with our AWS Security Guardians program to coordinate security efforts and to maintain […]

ABAC framework to control access to secrets using IAM Identity Center

Scale your authorization needs for Secrets Manager using ABAC with IAM Identity Center

With AWS Secrets Manager, you can securely store, manage, retrieve, and rotate the secrets required for your applications and services running on AWS. A secret can be a password, API key, OAuth token, or other type of credential used for authentication purposes. You can control access to secrets in Secrets Manager by using AWS Identity […]