AWS Smart Business Blog

Category: Thought Leadership

SMB employees learning about data analytics with a consultant

Why Business Intelligence is the Answer for SMBs Struggling with Spreadsheets

There’s an almost inconceivable amount of information out in the world. If you think about your typical day, nearly everything you do triggers data collection—whether it’s tapping to pay for your morning coffee, checking traffic conditions on your smartphone, searching for the answer to a question online, or rating your favorite show on a streaming […]

4Asset office with people working at a table

SMBs Struggle with Legacy Tech—Here’s How to Modernize Custom Apps

In today’s world, many of the biggest opportunities lie in using data to become more innovative, efficient, and customer focused. In theory, small and medium businesses (SMBs) have a big advantage over their larger contemporaries—they’re smaller and can move more quickly than large enterprises. In practice though, two things hold them back–a lack of in-house […]

Paint store employee using a tablet to lookup products

What Happens When An SMB Doesn’t Digitize Its Business Operations?

In today’s rapidly changing economy, small and medium businesses (SMBs) that do not adopt digital operations cannot remain as competitive as their more advanced peers. While many are processing orders online, forecasting sales with precision, and automating repetitive processes, SMBs not using cloud computing could face several missed opportunities. According to Gartner, “Organizations that embrace […]

Asian woman using mobile device

How SMB Retailers and E-Commerce Companies Can Unleash Inventory Insights with Cloud Analytics

The retail industry is currently navigating a complex landscape of challenges: fluctuating customer demands, rapid technological advancements, supply chain disruptions, and the need to offer personalized experiences. Due to high inflation rates and other disruptions, the retail supply chain, consumer behavior, and spending habits are in constant flux. According to NCR, supply chain disruptions have […]

Three Common Misconceptions About Cloud Security That are Holding Back Small and Medium Businesses

Growth is essential for businesses of all sizes, and small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) continue to migrate their data to the cloud as a way to access better insights, scale more easily, collaborate more efficiently from anywhere, and save on IT costs. But a survey conducted by Amazon Web Services found that while SMBs are […]

Woman working from home office in front of monitor video chatting with teammates

How Amazon’s “Day 1 Culture” Can Propel Growth for Small and Medium Businesses

Imagine a world where every move you make resonates with your customers, where your success is built on understanding their needs, desires, and pain points. This isn’t a farfetched dream—it’s a customer-obsessed approach that can transform your business. In fact, think about when and why your small or medium business (SMB) was founded. It was […]

SMBs employees working together in an office at a long table in front of computer monitors

What Small and Medium Businesses Need to Know About Generative AI in the Cloud

As artificial intelligence (AI) rapidly evolves, it can be hard for small and medium businesses (SMBs) to keep up. Non-technical and technical SMB leaders alike need to navigate the increasing complexity and near-constant change of how businesses can use AI. Currently, most are focused on using resources to focus on security and growth. The buzz […]

Two colleagues sitting side by side in an office completing training in front of a computer monitor

Forrester Insights: The Competitive Advantage of Data and Analytics for Small and Medium Businesses

Small and medium businesses (SMBs) are the global economic bedrock because their health is essential to the growth of the wider economy. However, their size often makes them vulnerable to uncertainties and fluctuations in the market. But that size also makes them agile, and SMBs can see significant gains by employing a smart, comprehensive data […]

Cando recently developed Quasar, a platform for supply chain optimization that is powered by the Internet of Things (IoT) and runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Revolutionize Small and Medium Business Retail Operations with Digital Supply Chain Management

For many, the health of one’s business depends on the health of its supply chain. We often hear from small and medium businesses (SMBs) that their supply chains face challenges such as demand planning, forecasting and a widening supply chain talent gap. This leaves them exposed to challenges that larger enterprises can more easily address […]

AWS certification path from basic to more advanced categories

A Guide To Upskilling Your Small or Medium Business Employees’ Cloud Computing Knowledge

If you’ve managed a small or medium business (SMB) in the last few years, you likely had these common thoughts: “Three employees retired during the height of the pandemic and we should have done a better job of documenting their work processes. All of that knowledge has either been lost or fragmented across different teammates.” […]