AWS Startups Blog

AWS Editorial Team

Author: AWS Editorial Team

Amazon Web Services

Three Things That Will Kill an Early Deal for Startups

In my career as an entrepreneur, I’ve had the opportunity to close the first deal at three different startups. There is no better feeling than when a paying customer has validated your concept and recognized your product value. That first deal has the potential to spring your company to the next 10 deals that can set your business scaling to the stratosphere. Within those first few deals lie the clues to a successful business or the pitfalls to your startup.

Mackenzie Kosut at AWS Startup Day

AWS Startup Day: We’re in It Together

We’re in it together. That community-driven sentiment was in full-effect as more than 200 entrepreneurs gathered at the AWS Loft in SoHo for New York’s first AWS Startup Day. Machine Learning? Check. How to tell your story? Covered. Cronuts? Inhaled. “Everyone wants to help everyone else to succeed,” said Future Lab’s Craig Wilson, one of the day’s speakers. “We’re here to be a part of that.”