AWS Startups Blog

Category: Startup

a former founder and ceo details how to write a narrative like amazon to set goals

Startups: How to Use Amazon’s Narrative Process to Set Goals and Think Clearly

If you’ve ever read anything about the internal processes of Amazon, you may know that Amazon eschews PowerPoint presentations in favor of written documents. There are a couple of different documents that Amazonians write, and they’re used for different things. In this post, I’m going to discuss the concept of the “Narrative” and how it can help startups think more clearly, set goals, and keep themselves accountable.

Sarah Nahm, CEO of HR tech startup Lever, shows what a day in the life of a CEO is like.

Being Sarah Nahm: A Day in the Life of a Software CEO

Sarah Nahm is the CEO at Lever, a software company in San Francisco that’s building modern talent software to help companies power their next-generation recruiting. For Nahm, a typical day is shaped by a series of highly intentional interactions with her team. Some of these are scheduled, some are serendipitous, all are crafted to prime her employees, and therefore her company, for success.

freelancers working in shared common space

Freehunter Connects Freelance Talent With Opportunities

Meet Freehunter, a social network that connects creatives directly with clients. CEO Harris Cheng got the idea for the company while struggling as a freelance photographer and designer. Not only did Freehunter end up solving his own problem of finding meaningful and steady work, but it showed Harris that there was an entire market of like-minded folks facing similar struggles.