AWS Startups Blog

Category: Startup

OneSoil AI Smart Farming

Insights From Outer Space: Farming Smarter With OneSoil

The majority of farmers face a common set of questions. Given the inputs a farm has — water, fertilizer, crop type, soil — coupled with changing weather conditions (especially given climate change), how can they best optimize their yield? How can they farm smarter? Belaruse-based AI startup OneSoil has the answers.

Datavant De-Identifying Health Data

Datavant Uses Batch to De-Identify Health Data

Datavant enables health companies to share sensitive health data securely. An important part of this process is de-identifying records so that they can be used in research or analytics contexts where identifying information is unneeded or required by law to be removed. Datavant supports both on-premise and cloud workflows to de-identify data. In this post, we share a simple approach to turn our native on-premise application into an AWS-hosted cloud service over the course of a single sprint cycle.

Crowdfunding Charity Platform Kitabisa

Give & Let Give: Kitabisa’s Charitable Crowdfunding

Given the global ubiquity of social media and our ever-interconnected virtual experiences, it might be easy to assume, when thinking about building a platform’s user base, that universal goals are always best. That may be the case for certain sectors, but crowdfunding is a different animal. As a crowdfunding platform specifically tailored to the giving needs and patterns of Indonesians, Kitabisa understands that.