AWS Startups Blog

protel hotelsoftware GmbH’s Journey to the Cloud

My friend Manfred Osthues and I developed the concept behind protel, including an early version of its GUI. When we showed our work to potential customers, every single hotel that saw our prototype wanted to know when the full PMS would be available. Since then, protel has maintained a steady set of core principles. But staying true to our vision has meant overhauling our software—sometimes radically—as the hospitality industry and its approach to technology have changed.

How Renovo uses Elasticsearch to manage data log storage and operational complexities

How Renovo Uses Amazon OpenSearch to Manage Logs

AWS has enabled auto tech startup Renovo to keep up with logs generated by vehicles and support systems in a manner that does not require it to over-provision processing and focus on the problem space: operating a vehicle or fleet of vehicles. Director of Data Services Khalid Azam explains how.                                                                    

CastBox CEO on the AI-driven Future of Podcasts

Castbox CEO on the AI-driven Future of Podcasts

China and US-based startup Castbox, unofficially known as the Netflix of podcasts, allows users to stream live podcasts, engage with speakers, and upload their own premium content. Founder and CEO Renee Wang explains how the app works, who its main users are, and where she sees the podcast industry heading in the future.

The Untapped Potential of Cloud Computing for Healthcare and Life Science Startups in Germany

The amount of healthcare data globally is increasing at a rapid scale. Germany has missed much of this revolution and lags behind other countries with regard to electronic health records and e-prescriptions, but it’s starting to open up. To ensure the country is not further hampered by a lack of digitization experience, providers, payers, patients, pharma companies and startups should look to cloud computing technology to help bridge the gap.

Crucyble and Liscio: Security Is Just a Matter of Habit 

Like a dentist reminding you to floss and come in for a check-up every six months, Brian Johnson, co-founder and general partner at Crucyble, a cybersecurity consultancy that focuses on up-and-coming cloud-based businesses, shows his clients that good habits and regular check-ups are the best defense against future suffering.

ChatCampaign Moves Loyalty Programs to Messaging Apps

ChatCampaign Moves Loyalty Programs to Messaging Apps

Claudia Sin, Founder, CEO, and CTO of ChatCampaign, shares how by moving loyalty program messaging from email to applications like What’sApp and Facebook Messenger, the Hong Kong-based startup helps programs provide a more engaging, authentic experience. She also shares why this technology is necessary, what she’s learned as a founder of multiple startups, and what’s next for ChatCampaign.