AWS Startups Blog

Bottles on a shelf lined up to show how bybe disrupts the adult beverage industry through its mobile app

How BYBE is Disrupting the Adult Beverage Industry

Alcohol, in addition to being one of the largest revenue drivers in retail, is also one of the most highly regulated industries in the country, with restrictions that vary from state to state. These varying restrictions make alcohol difficult to sell via apps, resulting in missed sales opportunities for retailers. That’s where BYBE comes in.

Hiring for Culture – Using Amazon’s Hiring Process to Build Your Team

Hiring the right people for your startup is one of the most important things that you will do as a founder. Beyond finding product/market fit, it’s probably the most important thing that you’ll do. Before joining AWS, I’d interviewed and hired a bunch of people as the CEO and Co-Founder of the live event startup Shortcut. Amazon, however, is the only employer that has actually taught and trained me how to properly interview and hire. I’d now like to share some of those lessons here because I think they are critical and particularly applicable to startups.