AWS Startups Blog

Tag: Guest Post

WalkMe Digital Adoption Platform Gives Real time insights

Is ‘Black Box’ Tech Enough To Protect Your Digital Transformation?

The information flight recorders, or airplane “black boxes,” provide is invaluable, but retrospective analysis can only do so much for you. It can give you answers to important questions, but it doesn’t have the power to prevent a negative event. But what if those black boxes could analyze the data they collected in real time, predict future events, and deploy an intervention before an accident happened?

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Datavant De-Identifying Health Data

Datavant Uses Batch to De-Identify Health Data

Datavant enables health companies to share sensitive health data securely. An important part of this process is de-identifying records so that they can be used in research or analytics contexts where identifying information is unneeded or required by law to be removed. Datavant supports both on-premise and cloud workflows to de-identify data. In this post, we share a simple approach to turn our native on-premise application into an AWS-hosted cloud service over the course of a single sprint cycle.

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Mapbox Satellite View Tennessee

How Mapbox Created a Flexible Artifact Building System Using AWS CodeBuild

Last year, the Mapbox Platform team decided that in order to better serve developers at the company, we should combine all of our existing artifact-creation tools into a single-unified system. This system, which we named artifacts, provides an easy to use, extendable platform for creating any type of build artifact. Here’s how we did it.

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The DBS Paradigm Shift Global Hack Brings Together the Brightest and Craziest

Hackathons challenge us to question our norms and assumptions, as well encourage us to break boundaries and change the status quo. That is why DBS Bank, a Singapore-based multinational bank, has been running and sponsoring over 50 hackathons across Asia over the past five years, bringing together the brightest minds to brainstorm new banking solutions for modern-day problems.

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From Zero to EKS with Terraform and Helm

At Aledade, we perform ETL on the healthcare data of millions of patients from thousands of different sources, and the primary tool we leverage is the workflow management tool Airflow. Because the amount of data we process is growing exponentially, we have quickly outgrown the ability to scale our dockerized Airflow deploy horizontally. We decided to move Airflow into Kubernetes to take advantage of their native support for scaling pods up and down, as needed, to handle tasks. With zero experience running a Kubernetes cluster, EKS allowed us to get up and running rapidly. Here is how we did it.

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Studio71 Leverages AI and Machine Learning to Navigate Influencer Marketing

It’s an understatement to say that the influencer marketing space is highly complex. New influencers, new types of content, and new ways to post and promote said content seem to pop up daily. Studio71, the LA-based digital network I joined seven years ago, has always been a great partner for brands to help them navigate the influencer marketing space.

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