AWS Storage Blog

Category: Technical How-to

Amazon S3

Encrypting existing Amazon S3 objects with the AWS CLI

Encryption of data at rest is increasingly required by industry protocols, government regulations, and internal organizational security standards. Encryption helps you protect your stored data against unauthorized access and other security risks. Amazon S3’s default encryption can be used to automate the encryption of new objects in your bucket, but default encryption does not change […]

Persistent storage for high-performance workloads using Amazon FSx for Lustre

High-performance file systems are often divided into two types: scratch and persistent. Scratch file systems provide temporary storage with high-performance characteristics such as submillisecond latency, up to hundreds of gigabytes per second of throughput, and millions of IOPS for short-term workloads. By contrast, persistent file systems are designed to combine the performance levels of their […]


Increasing application resilience with CloudEndure Disaster Recovery

UPDATE: For a more in-depth look at this topic, please visit the blog post “Configuring Cross-Region DR of your Amazon EC2 workloads with CloudEndure.” If there is an IT disaster, you must get your workloads back up and running quickly to ensure business continuity. For business-critical applications, the priority is keeping your recovery time and […]