AWS Training and Certification Blog

AWS Partners: Learn how to establish continuous governance and management at scale

To stay competitive, organizations must innovate faster and operate more efficiently. IT departments are under pressure to simplify their end-to-end life-cycle management, support business agility, and empower builders. However, they often must choose between governance control and business agility. Cloud IT teams and builders typically have different objectives. Cloud IT teams want governance and control, while builders want to build. Builders want the flexibility to be agile and experiment. IT teams want to provide security and governance. With a decentralized and governed approach, organizations can scale to meet the needs of their IT and development teams.

With AWS, you don’t have to choose between agility and control—you can have both. 

Governance at scale is a new concept for automating cloud governance that can help companies retire manual processes in account management, budget enforcement, and security and compliance. By automating these common challenges, companies can scale without inhibiting agility, speed, and innovation while providing decision makers with the visibility, control, and governance that is necessary to protect sensitive data and systems.

AWS offers a set of management and governance services to help your customers improve governance control and maintain business agility. When IT deploys management and governance services on AWS, they can support innovation, unclog provisioning bottlenecks, and improve their security and compliance posture. They enhance operational efficiency and reduce costs.

To make it easier for AWS Partners to achieve the skills required to help customers establish a governance framework, we’ve created training for Partners in both technical and business roles. These intermediate-level courses are designed to teach you how to help customers establish automated and continuous governance best practices.

About the courses

AWS Solutions Training for Partners: Cloud Security Governance at Scale (Technical) 

Designed for solutions architects and technical teams at Partner organizations, this course teaches you AWS Cloud security best practices in establishing continuous governance and management at scale.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Establish a landing zone with AWS Control Tower.
  • Configure AWS Organizations to create a multi-account environment.
  • Implement access controls using AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO) for federated access.
  • Centralize logging using AWS CloudTrail and AWS Config.
  • Enable cross-account security audits using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
  • Define workflows for provisioning accounts using AWS Service Catalog and AWS Security Hub.

After taking this course, you’ll be able to help customers scale without inhibiting agility, speed, and innovation while providing decision makers with the visibility, control, and governance that is necessary to protect sensitive data and systems. Enroll in the one-day classroom course or the four-hour, self-paced digital course today.

AWS Solutions Training for Partners: Security Governance at Scale (Business)

This course is designed to help sales and business professionals at Partner organizations learn how to qualify customer opportunities around security governance at scale. Through a combination of presentations, case studies, assessments, exercises, and activities, you’ll learn:

  • How to identify and qualify opportunities by understanding customer business and technical challenges around security governance at scale.
  • How to articulate the governance-at-scale value proposition, develop a statement of work, share customer success stories, and identify and overcome common customer objections.
  • AWS account management, cost control, and security and compliance through automation.
  • AWS-recommended best practices for establishing an automated, simplified, and secure governance-at-scale framework.
  • AWS Partner Programs and other resources available to support you as you build your AWS Cloud practice.

Explore the course outline and enroll in the four-hour, instructor-led classroom course or the two-and-a-half-hour, self-paced digital course today.


To learn more about AWS Partner Training, visit our website.