AWS Contact Center
Create action item reminders with Amazon Connect Tasks and Contact Lens for Amazon Connect
Contact center agents are frequently asked to document customer conversations by logging the interaction reason (or the issue), the outcome of the call, and in many cases, and follow-up action items. The data collection is essential for tracking the customer satisfaction and agent performance, but it takes a toll on the agent average handling time (AHT).
Reducing the after-call work without impacting customer trust is crucial for delivering the best customer experience.
Using the new post call summarization feature of Contact Lens for Amazon Connect, you can automatically get access to the issue (why the customer called), outcome (how the agent helped) and the action item (follow-up work for the agent) for every call. The data is available out of the box, at no additional cost for all calls analyzed by Contact Lens. The summary is available in the Contact details page, as well as in the Contact Lens output files stored in your Amazon Connect instance data store.
Overview of the solution
In our previous blog, we explained how to set up automatic follow-up tasks and how to create rules and define filters using specific keywords or custom contact attributes that are used to collect customer intent through IVR or different lines of business.
In this blog you will learn how to access the action items, and automatically create reminders using Amazon Connect Tasks to help your agents follow up on their commitments to your customers.
For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:
- An AWS account with administrator access
- An Amazon Connect Instance
- Enabled contact lens
- Enable tasks in the routing profile for your agents, for more details please refer to the documentation.
Setup Contact flow
- Navigate to the Amazon Connect admin console
- Open the contact flows page, click Create contact flow
- Update the contact flow name to Action Item reminders
- Use the Set logging behavior block to enable logging
- Use the Set working queue block to route the task to the reminder queue.
- Choose By queue, Use attribute, then choose Type as User defined and Attribute as QueueArn
- Use the Transfer to queue block to transfer the contact to the queue
Get Amazon Connect instance details
- Navigate to AWS Amazon Connect console
- Choose the Amazon Connect instance and note down the Instance ARN, and the Access URL.
- NOTE: If your Amazon Connect Instance Access URL includes .awsapps please remove the “/login” part of the URL when using this value later.
- Login to your Amazon Connect Admin console, contact flows, and choose the contact flow you created in the previous step and note down the Contact Flow ID
- In the Amazon Connect Admin console, queues, choose the queue you wish to transfer the tasks to and note down the queue ARN
- Note down the Amazon S3 bucket your contact lens output is stored
Install AWS CDK and Bootstrap CDK environment (skip if you have CDK installed)
Deploy the project
Make sure you have the following variables from the previous steps before continuing:
- Amazon Connect Instance ARN
- Amazon Connect Instance URL
- Amazon Connect Contact flow ID
- Amazon Connect Queue ARN
- Amazon S3 bucket that stores the output of the Contact Lens output
1. Using Git, clone the repository from Github
2. In your terminal move into the root of the directory
3. Install the dependencies for the CDK project
4. Deploy the CDK project using your AWS CLI profile (if you use default profile, don’t need to specify the profile flag). Pass in the context required for the CDK stack
Setup S3 bucket notification
- Navigate to the Amazon S3 console and click to on the bucket that stores the Contact lens output file.
- Click Properties, Event Notifications, Create event notification
- Enter the prefix where the files are stored and check All object create events
- For Destination, select SNS topic and choose the topic deployed by the CDK project.
Testing the feature
Now call into your contact flow where Contact Lens is enabled and wrap up the call with an action item. Once the Contact Lens output file is generated and processed, an Amazon Connect Task will be automatically created and routed to an agent.
Destroy the CDK project using the command:
In this post, we showed you how to leverage Contact Lens to access the action items from voice contacts, and automatically create reminders using Amazon Connect Tasks to help your agents follow up on their commitments to your customers. There are many opportunities to extend this such as by including outcomes detected from the contacts or scheduling tasks/action items.
To get started deploy the sample project from Github!