AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Competency Partners

CTERA_AWS Solutions

Share Files Across Your Organization with CTERA’s File Sync and Share on AWS

File sync and share platforms allow companies to share files within their organization, beyond the boundaries of their own datacenter. AWS is an ideal location for these types of workloads. File sync and share solutions from APN Partners use AWS services as building blocks to provide unique offerings to customers. With a few easy steps, you can deploy CTERA and start sharing files between many different clients and platforms.


Amazon FSx for Windows File Server Partners Help You Realize the Benefits of Windows File Storage

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server delivers that experience for Windows file shares. Launched at AWS re:Invent 2018, FSx provides a fully managed native Microsoft Windows file system that makes it easy to set up a highly scalable and available Windows file share. APN Partners can help you quickly and easily move Windows-based applications that require file storage to AWS, eliminating the typical administration overhead of managing Windows file servers.

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Why Even the Pros Need a Cloud Management Solution to Optimize Cost and Performance

It’s easy for vendors to get caught up in the needs of their customers that they forget to tend to their own needs. When CloudCheckr was a young startup, we admittedly had to make a deliberate effort to focus on leveraging all our platform has to offer. The results were as significant for CloudCheckr as they were for our clients. Identifying a Cloud Management Platform that’s available as a SaaS enables you to get started immediately with no overhead and nothing to install, including no agents.

Cognizant_AWS Solutions

Cognizant’s InCatalyst is an Insurance Innovation Platform Built on AWS for Rapid Prototyping

Cognizant recognized the need to give customers in the insurance industry the ability to industrialize innovation with a platform allowing them to test ideas, innovate, fail fast, and reduce time-to-market. With this vision in mind, they set out to build InCatalyst, an insurance innovation platform. This post provides a detailed overview of InCatalyst, how it’s architected and implemented on AWS, and explore the benefits realized by InCatalyst after moving the platform to the AWS Cloud.

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How AWS Customers Are Running Containerized Environments on Amazon EC2 Spot Instances

Amazon EC2 Spot Instances are one of the best ways to dramatically cut EC2 costs on AWS. With the new pricing model, there has never been a better time to start leveraging Spot Instances, and Spotinst’s DevOps Automation Platform helps businesses reduce operational overhead with automation and cut costs by reliably leveraging Spot Instances. In this post, we share a few stories from Spotinst customers outlining how they maximized infrastructure efficiency at minimum cost.


On the Ground: Daily Updates from Global Partner Summit 2018

We are thrilled to be in Las Vegas for AWS re:Invent 2018 and our annual Global Partner Summit. This year’s event provides APN Partners with opportunities to connect, collaborate, and discover. Keep reading this blog post throughout the week as we share on-the-ground updates, details of APN program launches, and things to check out from re:Invent, including the GPS keynote, breakout sessions, program launches, and more.

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APN Program Launches and Updates Announced at AWS re:Invent 2018

The annual Global Partner Summit was held November 26-30 at AWS re:Invent 2018, and we are excited to introduce key initiatives and program launches. Announcements include APN Tier changes and updates to the overall APN benefits structure, as well as new programs like the AWS Well-Architected Partner Program, AWS IoT Service Delivery designations, the AWS Container Competency, and AWS Device Qualification Program.

AWS Partner Network

Announcing Changes to APN Tiers, Benefits, and Requirements for 2019 and Beyond

We announced at AWS re:Invent 2018 updates to the overall APN program that will further recognize and support the growth, investment, and innovation of our evolving APN Partner community, and better align APN Partners to more structured program benefits. These changes include renaming the Standard Tier to Select Tier and updating APN requirements to measure each APN Partner’s knowledge, experience, and customer success.

Introducing the AWS Container Competency Program

Containers are an increasingly important way for developers to package and deploy their applications. AWS customers use containers as the fundamental unit of compute to deploy both existing and net-new workloads like microservices, big data, machine learning models, and batch jobs. At AWS re:Invent 2018, we announced the AWS Container Competency Program to highlight top APN Partner solutions that offer support to run workloads on containers on AWS.

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Building the Business Case for Machine Learning in the Real World

Many organizations feel that AI will be the biggest disruptor to their industry in the next five years, and many leaders are asking if machine learning is right for their business. We offer an approach to identifying real business value using ML and discuss how to identify and quantify which use cases are the best fit for your industry and how to derive business value with the help of AWS Machine Learning Competency Partners.