AWS Architecture Blog

Category: Serverless

app integration - benefits

Application Integration Using Queues and Messages

In previous blog posts in this messaging series, we provided an overview of messaging and we also explained the common characteristics to consider when  evaluating messaging channel technologies. In this post, we will explain some of the semantics of queue-based processing, its use in designing flexible systems, and how to apply it to your use […]

Building a Serverless FHIR Interface on AWS

Technology is revolutionizing the healthcare industry but it can be a challenge for healthcare providers to take full advantage because of software systems that don’t easily communicate with each other. A single patient visit involves multiple systems such as practice management, electronic health records, and billing. When these systems can’t operate together, it’s harder to […]


10 Things Serverless Architects Should Know

Building on the first three parts of the AWS Lambda scaling and best practices series where you learned how to design serverless apps for massive scale, AWS Lambda’s different invocation models, and best practices for developing with AWS Lambda, we now invite you to take your serverless knowledge to the next level by reviewing the […]

Understanding the Different Ways to Invoke Lambda Functions

In our first post, we talked about general design patterns to enable massive scale with serverless applications. In this post, we’ll review the different ways you can invoke Lambda functions and what you should be aware of with each invocation model. Synchronous Invokes Synchronous invocations are the most straight forward way to invoke your Lambda […]

Serverless at scale - 2

How to Design Your Serverless Apps for Massive Scale

Serverless is one of the hottest design patterns in the cloud today, allowing you to focus on building and innovating, rather than worrying about the heavy lifting of server and OS operations. In this series of posts, we’ll discuss topics that you should consider when designing your serverless architectures. First, we’ll look at architectural patterns […]

Updates to Serverless Architectural Patterns and Best Practices

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. As we sail past the halfway point between re:Invent 2018 and re:Invent 2019, I’d like to revisit some of the recent serverless announcements we’ve made. These are all complimentary to the patterns discussed in the re:Invent architecture track’s Serverless Architectural […]

A serverless solution for invoking AWS Lambda at a sub-minute frequency

If you’ve used Amazon CloudWatch Events to schedule the invocation of a Lambda function at regular intervals, you may have noticed that the highest frequency possible is one invocation per minute. However, in some cases, you may need to invoke Lambda more often than that. In this blog post, I’ll cover invoking a Lambda function every […]