AWS News Blog

Channy Yun

Author: Channy Yun

Channy Yun is a Principal Developer Advocate for AWS, and passionate about helping developers to build modern applications on latest AWS services. A pragmatic developer and blogger at heart, he loves community-driven learning and sharing of technology, which has funneled developers to global AWS Usergroups. His main topics are open-source, container, storage, network & security, and IoT. Follow him on Twitter at @channyun.

New generative AI capabilities for Amazon DataZone further simplify data cataloging and discovery (preview)

Today, we are announcing a preview of an automation feature backed by generative artificial intelligence (AI) for Amazon DataZone that will dramatically decrease the amount of time needed to provide context for organizational data. The new feature can automate the traditionally labor-intensive process of data cataloging. Powered by the large language models (LLMs) of Amazon […]

Amazon DynamoDB zero-ETL integration with Amazon OpenSearch Service is now available

Today, we are announcing the general availability of Amazon DynamoDB zero-ETL integration with Amazon OpenSearch Service, which lets you perform a search on your DynamoDB data by automatically replicating and transforming it without custom code or infrastructure. This zero-ETL integration reduces the operational burden and cost involved in writing code for a data pipeline architecture, […]

Reserve quantum computers, get guidance and cutting-edge capabilities with Amazon Braket Direct

Today, we are announcing the availability of Braket Direct, a new Amazon Braket program that helps quantum researchers dive deeper into quantum computing. This program lets you get dedicated, private access to the full capacity of various quantum processing units (QPUs) without any queues or wait times, connect with quantum computing specialists to receive expert […]

Amazon ElastiCache Serverless for Redis and Memcached is now available

Today, we are announcing the availability of Amazon ElastiCache Serverless, a new serverless option that allows customers to create a cache in under a minute and instantly scale capacity based on application traffic patterns. ElastiCache Serverless is compatible with two popular open-source caching solutions, Redis and Memcached. You can use ElastiCache Serverless to operate a […]

Join the preview of Amazon Aurora Limitless Database

Today, we are announcing the preview of Amazon Aurora Limitless Database, a new capability supporting automated horizontal scaling to process millions of write transactions per second and manage petabytes of data in a single Aurora database. Amazon Aurora read replicas allow you to increase the read capacity of your Aurora cluster beyond the limits of […]

Mutual authentication for Application Load Balancer reliably verifies certificate-based client identities

Today, we are announcing support for mutually authenticating clients that present X509 certificates to Application Load Balancer. With this new feature, you can now offload client authentication to the load balancer, ensuring only trusted clients communicate with their backend applications. This new capability is built on S2N, AWS’s open source Transport Layer Security (TLS) implementation […]

New Cost Optimization Hub centralizes recommended actions to save you money

Today, we are announcing Cost Optimization Hub, a new AWS Billing and Cost Management feature that makes it easy for you to identify, filter, aggregate, and quantify savings for AWS cost optimization recommendations. With the new Cost Optimization Hub, you can interactively query cost optimization recommendations such as idle resource detection, resource rightsizing, and purchasing […]

AWS Weekly Roundup

AWS Weekly Roundup – EC2 DL2q instances, PartyRock, Amplify’s 6th birthday, and more – November 20, 2023

Last week I saw an astonishing 160+ new service launches. There were so many updates that we decided to publish a weekly roundup again. This continues the same innovative pace of the previous week as we are getting closer to AWS re:Invent 2023. Our News Blog team is also finalizing new blog posts for re:Invent […]