AWS News Blog

AWS Week in Review – July 20, 2015

Voiced by Polly

Let’s take a quick look at what happened in AWS-land last week. If you find these summaries useful, or if you have ideas for additional types of content, please feel free to leave a comment.

Monday, July 20
Tuesday, July 21
Wednesday, July 22
Thursday, July 23
Friday, July 24

New & Notable Open Source

  • aws-google-login allows you to log into the AWS Console with Google Apps.
  • aws-api-gateway-swagger-importer lets you create or update Amazon API Gateway APIs from a Swagger representation.
  • libqtaws is an library for consuming AWS services from Qt applications.
  • aws-terraform is a practical implementation of CoreOS cluster provisioning on AWS.
  • aws-ec2-ssh lets you retrieve all active EC2 instances and SSH to them based on tag name.
  • aws-cleanup cleans up unused EBS volumes, AMIs, and snapshots.
  • stacker is an opinionated CloudFormation stack builder.
  • aws-sdk-perl is an attempt to build an AWS SDK in Perl.
  • opsworks_cookbooks is a cookbook collection for OpsWorks.
  • log4net.awsKinesis is a log4net appender that writes to an AWS Kinesis stream.
  • node-teslakinesis streams Tesla telemetry data to AWS Kinesis.

New Customer Stories

New SlideShare Content

New YouTube Videos

New Marketplace Applications

Upcoming Events

  • July 28 – Webinar – Best Practices: OpsWorks for Windows on AWS.
  • July 28 – Webinar – Deploying line of business desktop apps using Amazon WorkSpaces Application Manager.
  • July 29 – Webinar – Overview: Build and Manage your APIs with Amazon API Gateway.
  • July 29 – Webinar – Deploying and Scaling Web Application with AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
  • July 29 – Webinar – Deep Dive: Troubleshooting Operational and Security incidents in your AWS Account using CloudTrail.
  • July 30 – Webinar – Getting Started with AWS Device Farm.
  • July 30 – Webinar – Best Practices: Real-time Data Processing with Amazon DynamoDB Streams and AWS Lambda.
  • July 30 – Webinar – Getting Started with Amazon DynamoDB.
  • July 29 – Webinar – Troubleshoot Operational & Security Incidents with CloudTrail.
  • August 19 – Meetup (Sacramento, CA) – High Availability by Design.
  • August 27 – Meetup (Novato, CA) – Autodesk and Cyan Discuss All Things Docker.
  • September 1 – Meetup (Dublin, Ireland) – AWS Usergroup Ireland.
  • AWS Summits – Latin America.
  • AWS re:Invent.

Upcoming Events at the AWS Loft (San Francisco)

Upcoming Events at the AWS Loft (New York)

Help Wanted

Stay tuned for next week! In the meantime, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to the RSS feed.



Modified 01/07/2021 – In an effort to ensure a great experience, expired links in this post have been updated or removed from the original post.
Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is Chief Evangelist for AWS. He started this blog in 2004 and has been writing posts just about non-stop ever since.