AWS News Blog

Category: Amazon EC2

How To Purchase an EC2 Reserved Instance

Update: You can now make this purchase using the AWS Management Console. Click here to learn more. I thought that it would be worthwhile to outline the steps needed to purchase an EC2 Reserved Instance. Here’s what you need to do: Choose a Region. Choose an Availability Zone. Locate the Reserved Instance offering. Make the […]

EC2 Reserved Instances – Now In Europe, Too!

I wrote about the exciting and economical EC2 Reserved Instances just a few weeks ago. The response to that announcement has been really good, with positive feedback from our customers who are enjoying this new option. Today I am happy to let you know that you can now reserve EC2 instances in our European (EU) […]

Upcoming Webinars

There are a number of webinars scheduled over the next several weeks, and the purpose of this post is to make certain everyone is aware of the various options and opportunities: Thursday, April 16 at 9:00am PST Cloud for Large Enterprise — Where to Start Hear Capgemini put AWS and cloud computing in context for […]

What Do You Run?

As more and more businesses run applications in the cloud, we’re starting to hear about mainstream software from the likes of IBM and Oracle running on Amazon EC2. There are strong privacy and security controls in place around each AWS customer account, and accordingly there’s no way for us to gain a sense of who […]

Announcing Amazon Elastic MapReduce

Today we are introducing Amazon Elastic MapReduce , our new Hadoop-based processing service. I’ll spend a few minutes talking about the generic MapReduce concept and then I’ll dive in to the details of this exciting new service. Over the past 3 or 4 years, scientists, researchers, and commercial developers have recognized and embraced the MapReduce […]

Up, Up, and Away – Cloud Computing Reaches for the Sky

Early this morning we launched a brand new cloud computing service. This revolutionary new technology will change the way you think about the cloud. For a while the cloud was simply a metaphor meaning “a bunch of computers somewhere else.” Until now, somewhere else meant good old terra firma, the Earth itself. After extensive customer […]

New AWS Toolkit for Eclipse

We want to make the process of building, testing, and deploying applications on Amazon EC2 as simple and efficient as possible. Modern web applications typically run in clustered environments comprised of one or more servers. Unfortunately, setting up a cluster can involve locating, connecting, configuring and maintaining a significant amount of hardware. Once this has […]

Announcing Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances

Earlier in my career, I thought that innovation was solely about technology. If you wanted to address a new market or to increase sales, writing more code was always a good option. Having gained some wisdom and experience over the years, I’ve finally figured out the obvious — that innovation can also take the form […]