AWS News Blog

Category: Compute

New Whitepaper: Mapping and GeoSpatial Analysis in the Cloud Using ArcGIS

Esri is one of the leaders in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) industry and one of the largest privately held software companies focused on mapping and geospatial applications in the world with offices in more than 100 countries. Both public and private sector organizations use Esri technology to analyze and manage their geographic information and make better […]

AWS Cost Allocation For Customer Bills

Growth Challenges You probably know how it goes when you put AWS to work for your company. You start small — one Amazon S3 bucket for some backups, or one Amazon EC2 instance hosting a single web site or web application. Things work out well and before you know it, word of your success spreads […]

Announcing AWS Elastic Beanstalk support for Python, and seamless database integration

Its a good day to be a Python developer: AWS Elastic Beanstalk now supports Python applications! If youre not familiar with Elastic Beanstalk, its the easiest way to deploy and manage scalable PHP, Java, .NET, and now Python applications on AWS. You simply upload your application, and Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles all of the details associated […]

The AWS Report – Michael Wasser, Raveld

Earlier this summer I interviewed Michael Wasser, the founder of Raveld, located near Amazon’s Seattle headquarters. Raveld’s elevator pitch is “clear and concise cloud costs.” I enjoyed speaking with Michael to learn about his product and how it uses AWS: Michael built Raveld after finding that his consulting customers were exceeding their cloud computing budgets […]

NASA and AWS – Curiosity has Landed!

If you are like me, you spent this past Sunday afternoon looking forward to the landing of the Curiosity rover on Mars. I was able to wrest the remote control away from my family and change to NASA TV in time to watch through the aptly named “seven minutes of terror” as Curiosity performed an […]

EBS Provisioned IOPS – Some Interesting Resources

Our recent release of the EBS Provisioned IOPS feature (blog post, explanatory video, EBS home page) has met with a very warm reception. Developers all over the world are already making use of this important and powerful new EC2 feature. I would like to make you aware of some other new resources and blog posts […]