AWS News Blog

Category: Compute

Resource Level IAM for Elastic Beanstalk

Today’s guest post comes to you from Saad Ladki, Product Manager for AWS Elastic Beanstalk. — Jeff; We are excited to announce that AWS Elastic Beanstalk now supports resource permissions through AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). AWS Elastic Beanstalk provides a quick way to deploy and manage applications in the AWS cloud. IAM enables […]

Plat_Forms Contest in Germany – Not Your Typical Hackathon

Were excited to work with the Plat_Forms programming contest, an effort organized in Berlin, at Freie Universitt this spring.   Focus on Scalability & Cloud ArchitecturesThe Plat_Forms contest has been around in Germany since 2007. Its hallmark is celebrating the diversity and strength of various development languages (Java EE, .NET, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, etc.). […]

Running Esri Applications in the AWS Cloud

Esri is a leading provider of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software and geo-database management applications. Their powerful mapping solutions have been used by Governments, industry, academics, and NGOs for nearly 30 years (read their history to learn more). Over the years, they have ported their code from mainframes to minicomputers (anyone else remember DEC and Prime?), and […]

Be Careful When Comparing AWS Costs…

Earlier today, GigaOM published a cost comparison of self-hosting vs. hosting on AWS. I wanted to bring to your attention a few quick issues that we saw with this analysis: Lower Costs in Other AWS Regions – The comparison used the AWS costs for the US West (San Francisco) Region, ignoring the fact that EC2 […]